Spondylus also known as “spiny oyster”, a macroinvertebrate of the phyllum Mollusca, class Bivalvia, order Ostreoida, family Spondylidae. It is characterized by a large muscular scar, posterior to the center of shell, usually inequivalve and cemented to substrate by the right (lower) valve. Epifaunal, sedentary animals, suspension filter-feeders, living mainly in relatively shallow waters in coralline areas to 50 m. The shell is composed with two mineral, calcite and aragonite layers. The possible functions of spines are as (i) supports for sensory mantle tissue, (ii) serve a camouflagic function,(iii) discourage epibionts, (iv) act as defence mechanisms, (v) aid in attachment to the substrate, and (vi) stabilize the shell. The predators of Spondylus include the gastropoda Fasciolaria tulipa, the spiny lobster Panulirus argus, ray Aetobatis narinari and Dasyatis americanus, the porcupine fish Diodon hystrix, and an unidentified stomatopod. The distribution area of Spondylus particularly in the Indo-Pacific region from India, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, southern of Australia and America, Mexico, Brazil and Mediteranian.
Oseana, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3. Hal. 39-46
ISSN 0216-1877