The research was aimed to evaluate in vitro tuberization of 15 genotypes of potato. This research used 15 potato genotypes Cardinal, Aminca, Nicola, BF 15 with diploid and tetraploid, their tetraploid somatic hybrids namely Carni 1 and Carni 2 (Cardinal+Nicola), Amcar 31 and Amcar 32 (Aminca+Cardinal), and also BF15 Am 1 (BF15+Aminca), BF15 Car 216 (BF15+Cardinal), and BF15 Ni 106 (BF15+Nicola). Observations were done on the number of microtuber, percentage of tuberization, fresh weight of microtuber, dry weight of microtuber, microtuber diameter, percentage of dry weight, and percentage of microtubers as seed tubers. The result showed that in vitro tuberization were very significantly affected by potato genotypes. Diploid parent was very significantly different to tetraploid somatic hybrids due to genotype and Diploid level.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi “Peran IPTEK Bidang Biologi dalam Melestarikan Kearifan Masyarakat untuk Mendukung Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam Berkelanjutan” Senin, 6 Desember 2010 Universitas Padjajaran Bandung hal. 509-519