Isolation and Characterization Bacteria for Bioremoval Agent of Mercury Heavy Metal. Mercury (Hg) is one of a real dangerous heavy metal, and in Indonesia has many found contamination case of river by mercury. Various bacteria types is known to has ability to absorb heavy metal. This approach recognized bio-removal process by using bacteria. Downstream Cisadane river is good location to get collection of bacteria. Isolation and characterization of bacteria is step which must be done to get bio-removal bacteria agent. Has been done research of isolation and characterization of bacteria from Cisadane downstream for bio-removal agent of mercury heavy metal. Research is done in laboratory of microbiology in Research Center for Limnology LIPI. Isolation by spread plate and streak plate method, observation of morphology and cell bacteria at agar nutrient media and Gram staining technique and microscopy. Viability test is done by growing bacteria at media containing mercury heavy metal with different concentration during 24 hours. identification of Bacteria is done in microbiology laboratory in Research Center for Veterinary (Balitvet) Bogor. Successfully is purified and characterization 4 isolate of bacteria from water coloum and 11 isolates from sediment. Result of viability test is got 1 isolate (isolat A.SI.3A) having ability of adaptation to grow at media containing mercury heavy metal and made as pre-eminent isolate for agent bio-removal mercury heavy metal. Result of identification of bacteria (isolat A.SI.3A) is Bacillus megaterium.
Jurnal Biologi Indonesia, Vol. V, No. 2.