60,301 to 60,310 of 64,677 Results
Jul 8, 2018 -
Variasi Morfologi pada Varanus salvator macromaculatus Deraniyagala, 1944 dari Populasi Wilayah Sumatera
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MD5: 739bbccb66e21cdef73013c84998e4ae
Data morfometrik (Pmk) dan meristik (P, Q, S, T,N, XY, dan m) individu Biawak Air
asal Pulau Sumatera dan pulau-pulau satelitnya, serta Pulau Jawa. Singkatan karakter
mengacu pada Tabel 1. Hasil uji Analisis Ragam Satu Arah berbeda nyata untuk
karakter meristik (p < 0,05) sela... |
Jul 8, 2018 -
Variasi Morfologi pada Varanus salvator macromaculatus Deraniyagala, 1944 dari Populasi Wilayah Sumatera
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MD5: 455dd436ef88b107e09dd1a57d178f99
Hasil AKU hitungan sisik biawak air yang diteliti. Komponen Utama (KU) yang
dipilih untuk menggambarkan pengelompokan populasi memiliki akar ciri lebih dari
1. Koefisien Komponen Utama (KKU) yang menjelaskan karakter pembeda adalah
yang tertinggi dan ditulis pada tabel ini den... |
PNG Image - 280.0 KB -
MD5: 2e2abd1df59a56b29a58911b8e52d6bb
NJ reconstruction of phylogeny of Syphacia spp. based on long nucleotide sequences of Cox- 1. The
optimal tree with the sum of branch length = 0.81201463 is shown. There were a total of 618 positions
in the final dataset. Nematode taxon is followed by host and locality in paren... |
PNG Image - 375.9 KB -
MD5: 042238ff0b184ea6a1178bb0aff9fc28
NJ reconstruction of phylogeny of Syphacia spp. based on short nucleotide sequences of Cox- 1. The
optimal tree with the sum of branch length = 0.85148172 is shown. There were a total of 249 positions in
the final dataset. Nematode taxon is followed by host and locality in pare... |
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MD5: f9a7b140a5b50edde6f92cf0ec3b8148
ML reconstruction of phylogeny of Syphacia spp. based on amino acids translated from long nucleotide
sequences of mtDNA Cox-1 using the General Reverse Transcriptional model. The tree with the highest
log likelihood (-1382.5027) is shown. There were a total of 206 positions in... |
PNG Image - 445.8 KB -
MD5: dcf9cf5657422c709935cbdce523e08e
NJ reconstruction of phylogeny of Syphacia spp. based on sequences of partial 28S rONA. The optimal
tree with the sum of branch length = 1.35815348 is shown. There were a total of 689 positions in the
final dataset. Nematode taxon is followed by host and locality in parenthesis... |
PNG Image - 449.3 KB -
MD5: 38a7490439af0644ea0b0bb570360291
ML reconstruction of phylogeny of Syphacia spp. based on sequences of partial 28S rONA. The tree with
the highest log likelihood (-4716.7483) is shown. There were a total of 689 positions in the final dataset.
Nematode taxon is followed by host and locality in parenthesis and a... |
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MD5: 6bb3924cb1cb86881d3d30ec5e169e9f
Pinworms examined in this study with the host, locality and accession numbers of DNA sequences in DDBJ |
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MD5: 3853951baca5982a090b3033c96d8edf
Primers used in the present study |
Jul 8, 2018 -
Uji stabilitas Probiotik Lactobacillus plantarum Mar8 terenkapsulasi dalam Sediaan Oralit dengan Analisis Viabilitas
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MD5: 05853295e9dbf8c7a2c33328f7a2f0b5
Sel Lactobacillus plantarum Mar 8 |