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71,311 to 71,320 of 71,768 Results
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Satyanti, Annisa; Kusuma, Yayan Wahyu C., 2018, "Ecological Study In Two Quarried Limestone Karst Hills In Bogor West Java: Vegetation Structure And Floristic Composition",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Many species extinctions have probably gone unnoticed on limestone that was destroyed before they could be sampled. Unless biodiversity surveys are intensified, the true magnitude of extinctions will never be ascertained. The objectives of this study were to determine tree specie...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Robiansyah, Iyan, 2018, "Effect Of Quadrat Shapes On Measurement Of Tree Density And Basal Area: A Case Study On Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris L.)",, RIN Dataverse, V1
While quadrat shape of 10 m x 10 m has been commonly used in tree studies, the efficiency of this shape compared to the other shapes of size 100 m² has not been tested. In this study, effect of various shapes of 100 m² quadrat on measurement of Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris L.) de...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Sahromi, 2018, "Sonneratia Caseolaris : Jenis Mangrove Yang Hidup Di Kebun Raya Bogor",, RIN Dataverse, V1
One of mangrove species which tolerant to low salinity is Sonneratia caseolaris. This species grows in Bogor Botanical Garden with a good survival. One individual planted in 1970 as the first collection, and two individuals planted in 2006. Those species grow well in ex situ habi...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Darma, I.D. Putu; Astuti, Inggit Puji, 2018, "Jenis-jenis pohon penyusun vegetasi hutan lindung Lemor, Suela Lombok Timur NTB.",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Hutan Lindung Lemor, terletak di Desa Suela, Kecamatan Suela Kabupaten Lombok Timur, NTB. Lokasi ini berjarak sekitar 28 Km dari ibu kota Kabupaten Lombok Timur Selong dan kurang lebih sekitar 80 Km dari Kota Mataram. Salah satu kawasan hutan hujan tropis dataran rendah di pulau...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Astuti, Inggit Puji; Munawaroh, Esti, 2018, "Catatan Baru Daerah Persebaran Piper lowong Blume di Sumatera",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Piper lowong adalah salah satu jenis sirih-sirihan hutan anggota marga Piper dari suku Piperaceae. Jenis ini dilaporkan oleh Koorders serta catatan dari Backer dan Bakhuizen dalam buku II Flora of Java II dapat ditemukan di Pulau Jawa. Informasi tentang daerah persebaran jenis in...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Risna, Rosniati; Syaid, Tata M., 2018, "Kajian potensi ekologis dan isu-isu strategis ekosistem Karst Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu, Jawa Timur",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Pulau Sempu, sebuah pulau kecil di Jawa Timur bagian selatan, merupakan kawasan ekologis yang unik dan sumberdaya karst yang penting. Dalam kawasan seluas 877 ha. Pulau Sempu memiliki lima jenis ekosistem yaitu hutan primer dataran rendah, hutan pantai, mangrove, danau air tawar...
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