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60,191 to 60,200 of 64,677 Results
PNG Image - 31.7 KB - MD5: 53e5a5d33a8412bcd179b6fd506fadc0
The effect of metals on protease activity from isolate Bacillus sp. 140-B.
PNG Image - 87.6 KB - MD5: a88e416fd537aee53783916c8b2cdedd
GC-MS Chromatogram of Ethyl Acetate Extract of P. javanicum Stem Bark
PNG Image - 398.4 KB - MD5: e52565453abac9dda553bad904130dbb
Antibacterial Activity of the Bark of Bayur (P. javanicum) Extract Against E. coli Ina-CC B5 and S. aureus Ina-CC B4. Clear zone indicated growth inhibition by extract.
PNG Image - 168.3 KB - MD5: 3ced722e13bfa41e453bdfcdebfe8a36
Antioxidant Activity of the Bark of Bayur Extract (White yellowish spot indicated antioxidant activity)
PNG Image - 38.1 KB - MD5: 580711219cf5de2ff10b3ec890be0f0e
Identified Chemical Compounds of Ethyl Acetate Extract of P. javanicum Stem Bark
PNG Image - 100.8 KB - MD5: a911a5adbb7467e5eb9321891f152514
(Lanjutan) Identified Chemical Compounds of Ethyl Acetate Extract of P. javanicum Stem Bark
PNG Image - 66.4 KB - MD5: 4bffee89c6961dc730c5e577da0538ad
Bioactivity of Chemical Compounds in the Bark of Bayur Extract by GC-MS Analysis
PNG Image - 14.8 KB - MD5: 10df646d3d11ec5ae866abe41fca184e
IC50 Values of Bayur Extract and Catechin
PNG Image - 1.7 MB - MD5: 359b04a93b0984921d1ebb42a2b654a9
Proses Produksi Tepung Gadung Modifikasi dengan Fermentasi dan Pemanasan Bertekanan-Pendinginan
JPEG Image - 238.5 KB - MD5: 232c2da1c36aaf11bb3fffac008b0d87
Table 1. Source and locations of data used for this study.
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