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70,401 to 70,410 of 71,768 Results
Mar 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Kusumo, Budiarianto Suryo; Dahlan, Rico; Krisnandi, Dikdik, 2018, "Performance Improvement of Multicore Processor using Genetic Algorithm",, RIN Dataverse, V1
This paper analyzes some practical and technical issues of task scheduling on parallel computing systems which are applied to firm task portions of core-based processors on affine model communications. The need to perform a task fast and efficiently has always been being hot issu...
Adobe PDF - 410.9 KB - MD5: 52bd4cc6c6f70b84e19af70149bb36da
Mar 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Nugraheni, Ekasari, 2018, "Replication Data for: Instances Transformation Method Based on Semantic Web for Completing Data Sources",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Availability at large-scale semantic web data can be considered as an opportunity to be used in data source analysis. This analysis process might not obtain data as required since the data is extracted from external sources. This incompleteness of data source can affect analysis...
MS Powerpoint - 1.5 MB - MD5: 9999a6d959c8ca50dbd0cce37278bbfc
Mar 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Lestari, Puji; Hans-Peter Schade, 2018, "RGB-Depth Image based Human Detection Using Viola-Jones and Chan-Vese Active Contour Segmentation",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Human detection refers to the process of detecting human region from an image or from video frames. Most of the recent advanced human detection systems use the segmentation scheme by incorporating the depth information of the scene. In such systems, the scene gets captured by a R...
Adobe PDF - 565.3 KB - MD5: c7d62d5664dd2ecb6a761aaf751affed
Mar 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Heryana, Ana; Nugraheni, Ekasari; Kusumo, Budiarianto; Rojie, Andri Fahrur; Setiadi, Bambang, 2018, "Applying agile methods in designing an earthquake and landslide early warning system application for Android",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Early warning system aims to avoid and reduce the risk of damage and casualties caused by natural disasters. Landslides and earthquakes are natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia. The objective of the research is to develop landslide and earthquake early warning system a...
Pusat Penelitian Informatika Dataverse(Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
Mar 13, 2018
Pusat Penelitian Informatika, LIPI
Mar 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Afdal, 2018, "Variasi Klorofil-A Di Perairan Cirebon Dan Hubungannya Dengan Konsentrasi Nutrien",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Meningkatnya kegiatan manusia menyebabkan perairan pesisir mengalami tekanan yang cukup besar dengan pasokan material organik dan anorganik ke perairan. Masukan bahan-bahan tersebut merupakan suplai nutrien ke perairan yang menyebabkan bervariasinya konsentrasi klorofil-a fitopla...
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