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60,161 to 60,170 of 64,677 Results
PNG Image - 315.1 KB - MD5: ef32c4b0b9089cc95af710b0ad6c1b07
Bayesian chronogram of haplotypes based on mitochondrial genome sequences of 1,814 bp (D-loop: 854 bp and cyt b: 960 bp).
PNG Image - 55.4 KB - MD5: 86508f10efb62e1317a7d6511ec659b0
Transit and mean retention times for gut passage rates of Nycticebus javanicus, N. coucang, and N. menagensis at Cikananga Wildife Rescue Centre (Sukabumi, Indonesia) in June 2015 under two different diet treatments, and N. pygmaeus and N. bengalensis at ShaldonWildlife Trust (...
PNG Image - 102.1 KB - MD5: 6b40a5c4089457f9a67d471a11de7e6f
Mean ± SD daily nutrient intake for Nycticebus javanicus, N. coucang, and N. menagensis at Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Centre (Sukabumi, Indonesia) in June 2015 under two dietary treatments and of N. pygmaeus and N. bengalensis at Shaldon Wildlife Trust (Shaldon, UK) in August 201...
PNG Image - 69.9 KB - MD5: e103d746fdf14a3e466438a0dd4265fc
Wilcoxon signed rank test results comparing the nutrient intake of 34 slow lorises (Nycticebus javanicus, N. coucang, and N. menagensis) at Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Centre (Sukabumi, Indonesia) under two different diet treatments: a captive diet high in fruits and a wild-type...
PNG Image - 85.5 KB - MD5: edac402a9622bda596be58fe8bea0499
Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of the plover species studied constructed on the basis of all transitions and transversions base substitutions in the 666-bp of DNA barcodes COI gene with Kimura 2-parameter model. The numbers above are bootstrap values> 50%.
PNG Image - 51.1 KB - MD5: d18fba4e779096f49d9299a38774ceba
List of samples and locality of plover in Java Island which used in the study.
PNG Image - 25.1 KB - MD5: c0f6703ca9932bd72625e2e0eb4da2d7
Base compositions at the 666-bp of the COI barcode gene analyzed. T = thymine, C = cytosine, A = adenine, G = guanine.
PNG Image - 25.6 KB - MD5: e01171175ac2b54c3624ede09e545e4b
Genetic distance (d) and standard error (SE) among individuals within species were based on analysis of all types of base substitution (transitions + tranversions) on Kimura 2-parameter model.
PNG Image - 100.3 KB - MD5: 60f9c8f8fc1d73cf2f902e99a74f0a46
Genetic distance (d) and standard error (SE) between species, based on analysis of all types of base substitution (transitions + transversions) with Kimura 2-parameter model.
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