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60,151 to 60,160 of 64,677 Results
PNG Image - 86.6 KB - MD5: b1e062b8bc2b5472e052a66232fe2d2e
Jenis ikan yang ditemu kan di per airan kawasan Gunung Sawal (Fish species in waters of Sawal Mountain Region)
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Kelimpahan dan distribusi lokal ikan di perairan kawasan Gunung Sawal (A bundance and local distribution of fish in waters of Sawal Mountain Region)
PNG Image - 144.0 KB - MD5: 9dee5fe9fb2acc6c05a87ed885a8061d
Paramater fisik lokasi penelitian di Kawasan Gunung Sawal (Physic parameters of study site in Sawal Mountain Region)
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Hasil analisis indek keanekaragaman jenis (H), kemerataan (E) dan kekayaan jenis (d); (Analysis of diversity index-H, evennes index -E, and richness index –d)
PNG Image - 287.9 KB - MD5: 45ef44f3a862ca534931f26d624bf46e
Proses bonding (penjinakan) anakan oposum layang
PNG Image - 21.4 KB - MD5: c9403f94670ac18bd7a65120addbeb7b
Komposisi Pakan Leadbeater*) untuk Oposum Layang
PNG Image - 22.8 KB - MD5: a07d49e251b94f6ca08ef1b4e1013b29
Komposisi Jus Buah-buahan untuk Oposum Layang
PNG Image - 233.0 KB - MD5: 3e2a3211c1bb61af1521151ad3d816fa
The presumed land boundaries of Hokkaido Island. Sea levels are presumed to have changed by ?20 m, 0 m, -50 m, and -150 m, estimated from contour and isobathic maps
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Map showing the location of each collection site and the distribution of level-3 nested clades. Level-3 nested clades in the haplotype network (Fig. 3) are color coded
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Maximum likelihood phylogeny among haplotypes based on mitochondrial genome sequences of 1,814 bp (D-loop: 854 bp and cyt b: 960 bp).
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