60,041 to 60,050 of 64,677 Results
Jul 10, 2018 -
A preliminary ethnobotanical study on useful plants by local communities in Bodogol Lowland Forest, Sukabumi, West Java
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MD5: a159fe87ff646619470a5ef8a68cb3d5
table 2. List of useful plants found in lowland forest of Bodogol that possess more than one category of use. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
A preliminary ethnobotanical study on useful plants by local communities in Bodogol Lowland Forest, Sukabumi, West Java
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MD5: 10b50f77263ae2c2d62824a37aadbe23
table 2. List of useful plants found in lowland forest of Bodogol that possess more than one category of use. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
A preliminary ethnobotanical study on useful plants by local communities in Bodogol Lowland Forest, Sukabumi, West Java
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MD5: 4594c94a8c4cbfd3ab8702dfe00c5305
table 2. List of useful plants found in lowland forest of Bodogol that possess more than one category of use. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
A preliminary ethnobotanical study on useful plants by local communities in Bodogol Lowland Forest, Sukabumi, West Java
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.7 KB -
MD5: bd8680ba63e51bf934dc2f8412581522
Table 3. Plant species used by local people in Bodogol in "lalab atah" |
Jul 10, 2018 -
A preliminary ethnobotanical study on useful plants by local communities in Bodogol Lowland Forest, Sukabumi, West Java
Tabular Data - 682 B - 4 Variables, 12 Observations - UNF:6:ZAU/g+SBRtMwFkKaBLX99A==
Table 4. Species of rattans found in the lowland forest of Bodogol. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Multiple transgressions of Wallace's Line explain diversity of flightless Trigonopterus weevils on Bali
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MD5: cf5f1df2e69b932e051ad02d472ac962
Figure 1. Bayesian phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of Australasian flightless Trigonopterus weevils. Values at each node (a/b/c) are (a) posterior
probability of BI analysis, (b) Bootstrap support value of ML analysis (a hyphen indicates that this node is... |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Multiple transgressions of Wallace's Line explain diversity of flightless Trigonopterus weevils on Bali
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MD5: 1f6d74c8d62835d59d865819d5a07e85
Figure 2. Haplotype networks based on the CO1 dataset of 71 Trigonopterus specimens from Bali. Substitutions (sub.) are marked by black dots between
the haplotypes. More than two substitutions are stated as numbers above the respective branches. For colour code of localities, se... |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.7 KB -
MD5: c324dd58ba51df47f213c93fb5e3bc9c
Perbandingan antara Kelapa sawit, Jarak, dan Patah Tulang |
Adobe PDF - 16.6 MB -
MD5: 655e02a39c0bcd7ae0d96c4e07dabc6e
Jul 10, 2018 -
Senyawa Antibakteri yang Diproduksi oleh Lactobacillus plantarum dan Aplikasinya untuk Pengawetan Bahan Ikan
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MD5: 207a9eab46df6dc1777a2cf1496c6899
Penghambatan supernatan L. plantarum pada bakteri patogen S. aureus dan A. hydrophila ditunjukkan dengan zona bening/zona hambat. |