60,021 to 60,030 of 64,677 Results
Jul 10, 2018 -
Phylogenomics Reveals Habitat-Associated Body Shape Divergence in Oryzias Woworae Species Group (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)
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MD5: 1e0d1f1bf16e534f13942b7d6e54319b
Bayesian inference of phylogeny among haplotypes based on the mitochondrial ND2 sequences (104 bp). Blue and red characters represent riverine and lacustrine populations,
respectively. Numbers on branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities (top) and maximum likelihood bootstra... |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Phylogenomics Reveals Habitat-Associated Body Shape Divergence in Oryzias Woworae Species Group (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)
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MD5: 7e1547a59602a66c1c03fa7943f117ab
Maximum likelihood (ML) nuclear phylogeny
produced by concatenating 455 transcripts
totaling 0.34 Mbp sites. Blue and red characters
represent riverine and lacustrine populations,
respectively. Numbers on branches show ML
bootstrap values. (For interpretation of the referenc... |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Phylogenomics Reveals Habitat-Associated Body Shape Divergence in Oryzias Woworae Species Group (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)
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MD5: 1106e914c58ffa4192bc5923a8a6c7c4
The population tree using SVDquartets+PAUP* based on the three-individualsper-
population dataset (two individuals for O. celebensis). Each of the 455 transcripts was
set as a separate partition. Numbers on branches show bootstrap values. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Phylogenomics Reveals Habitat-Associated Body Shape Divergence in Oryzias Woworae Species Group (Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae)
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MD5: 38d80cc7474409e7f54c850f00e66de5
List of collection sites and studies specimens. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Penguraian Parasetamol oleh Sel dan Protein Ekstraselular Khamir Candida tropicalis dan Rhodotorula minuta
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MD5: bc9e5ff1f9cec1681bb65afd8fc56ae4
Khromatogram HPLC Parasetam |
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MD5: a9a460ea1dff14b6b9281e971efdca65
Zona bening bakteri B. amyloliquifaciens B7 dalam media CMC 1% (A) dan media pati terlarut 1%
(B) serta bakteri L. plantarum SU-LS537 dalam media mengandung asam fitat (C). |
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MD5: 0bd3a7c47e88ea7dd3f3a6b17179f161
Pertumbuhan bakteri starter berdasarkan Optical Density (OD) λ 600 nm dan Total plate count
jumlah sel bakteri CFU/mL dalam media pertumbuhan jewawut. |
PNG Image - 85.2 KB -
MD5: e602f183227a6a332e3c39d4433b5312
Hasil analisa derajat putih, gluten, asam fitat, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 dan garam mineral
kalsium tepung jewawut tanpa fermentasi dan difermentasi. |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Karakterisasi Enzim Protease dari Bakteri Stenotr ophomonas sp. Asal Gunung Bromo, Jawa Timur
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MD5: 856dc0a374d4c9977e67d74b44dbd83c
A. Bakteri Stenotrophomonas sp. ditumbuhkan dalam media Nutrient Agar (Bacteria Steno
trophomonas sp. to be grown in Nutrient Agar media)
B. Zona bening yang terbentuk di sekitar koloni bakteri Stenotrophomonas sp. pada media susu
skim (Clear zone formed around colonies of bac... |
Jul 10, 2018 -
Karakterisasi Morfologi, Anatomi Dan Fisiologi Mutan Gandum (Triticum aestivum L.) Dewata Dan Selayar Di Dataran Rendah Tropis
Tabular Data - 1.8 KB - 8 Variables, 25 Observations - UNF:6:mnqpxLswI4THtGl9SiU8KA==
Hasil analisis Augmented Design karakter morfologi persentase tumbuh awal
(TA), persentase tumbuh panen (TP), waktu masak (MSK), bobot biji per genotipe (BBG),
luas daun bendera (LDB) kehijauan daun bendera (KDB) pada mutan Dewata dan Selayar. |