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60,011 to 60,020 of 64,677 Results
PNG Image - 195.3 KB - MD5: 65947687a7d7069b599d02290a17cc17
Map of the mitochondrial genome of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007.
PNG Image - 72.1 KB - MD5: 458779ee5bb1d833a53cfb46d12d4335
List of primers used to amplify the mitogenome and mapping reference in assembly procedure of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007.
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Annotation of the mitochondrial genome of Cardiodactylus muiri Otte, 2007.
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General nucleotide composition of complete mitogenome and nucleotide compositional skew of the Gryllidae mitogenomes, rrnL genes, rrnS genes and the A+T-rich regions in grylline crickets. A (%), T (%), G (%) and C (%) mean the percentage of adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosin...
PNG Image - 93.0 KB - MD5: 222eb63638f3808a648e0a1c96cb764e
Genetic distance for complete mitogenome, all PCGs and two ribosomal genes showed by the percentage of pairwise identical bases (% identity). The average genetic distances and their standard deviation between two subfamilies (Eneopterinae and Gryllinae) and within the subfamily...
PNG Image - 70.7 KB - MD5: 0204005c5cee68102add12c46541b538
Comparison of Ka/Ks ratios for all PCGs. The average Ka/Ks ratio and their standard deviation between subfamilies (Eneopterinae and Gryllinae) within the subfamily Gryllinae are also shown in the table. The abbreviations of species as following: C. muiri (C), L. equestris (L),...
PNG Image - 487.5 KB - MD5: 7abae5e7e567682ceba3922764df6023
Perubahan histopatologi organ hati mencit berbagai perlakuan.
Adobe PDF - 117.0 KB - MD5: 04dd44b9662cd9d609cc0d3ab3fa94a8
PNG Image - 729.6 KB - MD5: 898fc8c4937ca507eb1b12ea1b49eec8
Map showing the location of each collection site. Blue and red circles represent riverine and lacustrine populations, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
PNG Image - 293.9 KB - MD5: 7aacbc460643bda8608b7ac2820f3f08
Landmark configurations for the geometric morphometric (GM) analysis. 1: Anterior extent of maxilla. 2–5: Upper ends of perpendicular at anterior extent of orbit, at posterioventral extent of operculum, at anterior insertion of pelvic fin, and at anterior insertion of anal fin...
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