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59,971 to 59,980 of 65,677 Results
PNG Image - 306.5 KB - MD5: b68e55e441fac6a2fa2ebdebc8d94cb2
Catch rates of Ariosoma leptocephali (family Congridae), all other leptocephali of the family Congridae, Muraenidae, and Ophichthidae (left), and Chlopsidae, Moringuidae, Nemichthyidae, and Serrivomeridae (right) at each station during the BJ-01-1 cruise. The distribution of cor...
PNG Image - 143.0 KB - MD5: 3c34ff665a46d9ef91be4d4f938c3eee
The number of leptocephali, size range, and the number of species of the various taxa of the families of eels that were collected in the seven areas of the Indonesian Seas around Sulawesi Island in May 2001. The number of species or types of each of the taxa is shown in parenth...
PNG Image - 120.6 KB - MD5: 8d842fd4a29213e7378ee496a1944c33
Study areas where sampling for leptocephali occurred in the western Pacific Ocean, during Cruise KT-00-16 of RV ‘Tansei Maru’ in the East China Sea region in 2000 and Cruise BJ-01-1 of RV ‘Baruna Jaya VII’ in the Indonesian Seas around Sulawesi Island in 2001. Stns BJ13 to BJ...
PNG Image - 97.0 KB - MD5: f5bc134e462a5aeee43f24694dba3a5a
Geographic distribution and catch rates of leptocephali of the 4 life history categories of eels in the East China Sea region and around Sulawesi Island. Circles represent the abundance of leptocephali expressed as catch-rate values (ind./105m3)
PNG Image - 118.1 KB - MD5: 8f1405a865dfdab13bb229139d1969b4
Geographic distribution of the stations included in the 3 major designated cluster groups detected by cluster analysis at 41 sampling stations in the East China Sea region and around Sulawesi Island. The general flow of surface water in the major current systems in the 2 study...
PNG Image - 134.1 KB - MD5: 8942ddcffb446213d2ae2666918f7dfc
Numbers (N), proportions (%), and size ranges (TL: total length) of leptocephali collected in the East China Sea region and around Sulawesi Island. Numbers of leptocephali collected at the stations in the western North Pacific (WNP) to the south of the East China Sea are shown...
PNG Image - 105.6 KB - MD5: c59fd8872c290447aa7dd4fe558661ed
Catch rates (ind./105m3) of taxa collected at stations in the 3 major cluster groups referred to in the text, and at Stn KT09, which was not included in the designated groups. Group A stations were mostly around Sulawesi Island (Baruna Jaya Cruise = BJ) or in the East China Sea...
PNG Image - 42.3 KB - MD5: df9648a86f6345edafff89db0bd38732
Results of the SIMPER analysis showing percentage contributions of typifying taxa (over 5%) to within-group similarities among the major groups of stations generated by cluster analysis. These taxa are characterized by their adult life histories as catadromous (CT), shelf (SH...
PNG Image - 76.7 KB - MD5: 074fb2e19cb719e1095bde556f6d273d
Comparison of catch rates (ind./105m3) of the leptocephali of each family of eels, and univariate indices of the assemblage groups in this study and 2 areas of the Sargasso Sea of the western North Atlantic (adapted from Miller & McCleave 1994 using catch data and mean tow volu...
PNG Image - 353.4 KB - MD5: a1fea60fe6ffd2a510cf343cdda674de
The study area, showing the sampling stations and the locations where the various species of anguillid leptocephali were collected. Upper left: Stations during cruises of the R/V Hakuho Maru (circles) in February 2000 and the R/V Baruna Jaya VII (squares) in May 2001. Only a fe...
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