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59,951 to 59,960 of 65,677 Results
PNG Image - 109.7 KB - MD5: 76bc29824d5093b5d2016170494930d3
The locations where various sizes and stages of anguillid leptocephali and glass eels that were predominantly Anguilla bicolor bicolor were collected during September–November 1929 during the Carlsberg Around the World Expedition described by Jespersen (1942). Adapted...
PNG Image - 177.3 KB - MD5: d8866fb0baa93306969af4f8893e54e1
The surface currents during June and October in the regions around Sumatra adapted from Wyrtki (1961). SECC indicates the South Equatorial Counter Current, and SEC South Equatorial Current. The sizes of the arrows reflect the relative speed of the currents and the dotted line...
PNG Image - 49.2 KB - MD5: 3624570372affc86c674181e4e1a7bf3
Morphological characters of the three species of anguillid leptocephali collected in the present study showing their total lengths (TL), preanal lengths (PAL), predorsal lengths (PDL), head lengths (HL), body depths (BD), preanal myomeres (PAM), predorsal myomeres (PDM), ano...
JPEG Image - 39.0 KB - MD5: 65f2195bda482829c3262e348b0fb94b
Gambar 1. Struktur kimia molekul (+)-2,2’- episitoskirin A dan (+)-1,1’-bislunatin, dua metabolit utama pada kultur jamur endofit Diaporthe sp. GNBP-10 (Chemical structure of (+)-2,2’- epicytoskyrin A and (+)-1,1’- bislunatin. Two main bisanthraquinones produced by the en...
JPEG Image - 124.1 KB - MD5: e7913d099adb842ecb76b22bc2dbeb0c
Gambar 2. Fotomikrograf jaringan hati mencit pada perlakuan (+)-2,2’-episitoskirin 2000 mg/kg BB. Lesio berupa : multifokus miliari hepatitis, degenerasi lemak dan nekrosis. Pewarnaan : Haemotoksilin eosin (HE), Bar : 50 um. [Photomicrograph of liver section of mice administere...
JPEG Image - 69.1 KB - MD5: 8bceead57b0298e9844c1078a6844a32
Gambar 3. Fotomikrograf jaringan ginjal mencit pada perlakuan (+)-2,2’- episitoskirin dosis 2000 mg/kg BB. Panah hitam menunjukkan akumulasi protein, panah biru menunjukkan multifocal peradangan intertisialis (panah biru), dan nekrosis (panah merah). Pewarnaan : HE, skala...
JPEG Image - 124.7 KB - MD5: a5e9bea3535dd01b7bdf2acd04d9a5d6
Gambar 4. Foto mikrograf jaringan (A)ginjal, (B) Hati, dan (C) Pulau Langerhans pada perlakuan kontrol negatif (K-), dan pemberian bislunatin 2000 mg/kg BB (Bislu 2000)., pewarnaan Hematoksilin Eosin, skala = 5 m [Photomicrograph of (A) kidney, (B) liver and (C) Langerhans isl...
PNG Image - 135.1 KB - MD5: af596910c0b46f7035045715d271c7ae
Track charts and sampling stations during the 8 cruises of the RV ‘Hakuho Maru’ (KH) and the RV ‘Baruna Jaya VII’ (BJ) in the western Pacific and Indonesian Seas that were included in this study
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