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59,931 to 59,940 of 65,677 Results
PNG Image - 90.6 KB - MD5: f8e300fbcb502444ccfd36412a4d2ae6
Map of the stations in the Indonesian Seas around Sulawesi Island, Indonesia that were sampled from 27 September to 16 October 2002 showing the locations where Kaupichthys leptocephali were collected. Specimens used for otolith analyses are shown with black squares, othe...
PNG Image - 322.1 KB - MD5: 2eaee730f6123c0c853643d7f7257d28
SEM photographs of the otolith microstructure of 43.0 mm TL (upper) and 57.5 mm TL (lower) Kaupichthys leptocephali from the Indonesian Seas. Scale bars = 10 lm. The first feeding checks (FFC) in both specimens and the metamorphosis (M) check in the larger specimen are indica...
PNG Image - 37.6 KB - MD5: f861c6c9d6e84b703469625eb9358213
Means and ranges of the total lengths, number of otolith increments, growth rates and hatching dates of the five age groups of Kaupichthys leptocephali that were detected based on their ages and back-calculated hatching dates
Tabular Data - 2.4 KB - 5 Variables, 23 Observations - UNF:6:nFCFcgYQMyLHeyMdM/7Vvg==
Table 1. Yeast strains selected for the confirmation study.
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