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60,471 to 60,480 of 64,596 Results
PNG Image - 48.0 KB - MD5: 33e3e4ac4a97dde0a64135959ee10e58
Environmental parameters of Zingiberaceae ecosystem
PNG Image - 39.9 KB - MD5: 1248c6f82cd5b81f401ba6d4ec4eb2c1
Diversity of endophytic fungi on various habitats
PNG Image - 811.9 KB - MD5: 212ec564b84144c8b1eb808adddb441f
Two Indonesian birds that are highly valued as pets and Critically Endangered as a result of trapping: (a) yellow-crested cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea and (b) Bali myna Leucopsar rothschildi. Cockatoo photo by snowmanradio; myna photo by Brian Jelonek; both available on Wikimedi...
PNG Image - 165.5 KB - MD5: 08519ea2c0058b934c31215ad5353ada
(Lanjutan) Respondents’ opinions on Sumatran population trends and price and trade volume data for (a) regularly traded bird species for which historical and contemporary price and volume data were available, (b) regularly traded species for which incomplete market data were av...
PNG Image - 217.3 KB - MD5: a53c0aac4fcf627ce223674c18d2c57e
Respondents’ opinions on Sumatran population trends and price and trade volume data for (a) regularly traded bird species for which historical and contemporary price and volume data were available, (b) regularly traded species for which incomplete market data were available, and...
PNG Image - 72.7 KB - MD5: c0686500146c60219495fc7d3748061c
Cost comparisons from field and market bird surveys in Sumatra, Indonesia. See text for details.
PNG Image - 136.9 KB - MD5: 2c992bc3f31f6461a087cb91a0b7b272
Pertumbuhan brokoli dengan perlakuan pupuk hayati
PNG Image - 111.5 KB - MD5: 124a1d265457a9f98056f511b143cdb3
Hasil analisa kimia tanah pada awal percobaan dibandingkan dengan kondisi kimia tanah 10 MST
PNG Image - 40.2 KB - MD5: 8ceaf101d02c9082b15df60d2b04cde2
Nilai korelasi yang signifikan diantara parameter pengamatan
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