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59,901 to 59,910 of 65,677 Results
JPEG Image - 135.6 KB - MD5: ddaa09a3a9f864a44862ec273ca3a71c
Fig 3. TLC chromatography of active fungal endophyte extracts displaying radicalscavenging activity. The plates were developed with dichloromethane : metanol (10:1) and sprayed with methanolic solution of 0.2 % DPPH reagent. Bands with the antioxidant capacity were observed as ye...
JPEG Image - 53.3 KB - MD5: 7724df0dbb8b3321417f5b083c9e04bf
Fig. 4 Bioutogram of fungal endophyte extracts from mangosteen against S. aureus InaCC-B4 (left) and E.coli InaCC-B5 (right). White area against a purple background indicated antibacterial activity.
JPEG Image - 124.5 KB - MD5: 528272459cad6dd7c4c7f10842e47e54
Fig 5. Bio-autographyc screening of active antimicrobial compounds of fungal endhopyte axtracts. White bands of the separated compounds indicated antibacterial activity against S. aureus InaCC-B4 (left) and E.coli InaCC-B5 (right)
PNG Image - 183.6 KB - MD5: 608ddb9d330cf886bf5665468b9b7fdd
Pengetahuan Responden tentang Tanda-Tanda/Gejala Pemanasan Global dan Perubahan Iklim
PNG Image - 527.7 KB - MD5: bba825a9200e1f9e9277abea64b83f2f
Peserta pelatihan motivator sedang melakukan diskusi
PNG Image - 643.2 KB - MD5: c7002eeed5cede65f8660ea2c21979ef
Penyerahan motivator kepada Kepala Kesbanglinmas Kota Bengkulu
PNG Image - 534.4 KB - MD5: a1a92d185070c140e215fa512fd20d07
Peserta mendapatkan materi gempa bumi dan tsunami dari Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Bengkulu
PNG Image - 479.0 KB - MD5: df745e03af2b5793eeb6870cad0df99f
Peserta mendapatkan masukan dari Pusat Kurikulum Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
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