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JPEG Image - 60.0 KB - MD5: 67474a1af913cf90c154d4b89e13f30a
Gambar 3. Perubahan warna menjadi merah muda saat ditetesi larutan Salkowski
JPEG Image - 88.8 KB - MD5: 2c0217990cb5cd18d2d91fb1ae17011e
Fig. 1. Impatiens in Sumatra shows tremendous diversity in floral color and morphology. A. Impatiens tribuana; B. I. beccarii; C. I. sidikalangensis; D. I. rubricaulis (Photos by: D. Girmansyah & M. Ardiyani).
JPEG Image - 109.5 KB - MD5: c6c666502969a69d1fdc55bc46c3615c
Fig. 2. Strict consensus of the 358 equally most parsimonious trees from MP analyses of IGS between atpB-rbcL data set. Numbers below branches are bootstrap values supporting corresponding branch when greater than 50%. Clades are numbered 1 through 15 following Janssens et al....
JPEG Image - 111.2 KB - MD5: 36dce984a61248223189f9d1ec003f92
Fig. 3. Strict consensus of the 1716 equally most parsimonious trees resulting from MP analyses on the complete ITS data set. Numbers below the branches are bootstrap values supporting the corresponding branch when greater than 50%. Clades are numbered 1 through 15 following Ja...
JPEG Image - 107.3 KB - MD5: bfaa3d8e3a1a49ebf2e1b9f1ab6f1a77
Fig. 4. Strict consensus of the 2120 equally most parsimonious trees from MP analyses of combined data sets of ITS and IGS between atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer. Numbers below branches are bootstrap values supporting corresponding branch when greater than 50%. Clades are numbered...
JPEG Image - 291.1 KB - MD5: ef1951191dbe505840df8c409bd675eb
Table 1. Species of Impatiens used in this study.
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Table 2. Species of Impatiens and outgroups obtained from NCBI GenBank.
PNG Image - 408.1 KB - MD5: 27e450342860d2789e5d143ff193d310
Figure 1. Morphological characters of growing colonies in PDA media after 5 days incubation
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 10.3 KB - MD5: 7d323e17255312dee29e0ba9f5ebb056
Tabel 1. Celulolytic Indexs of Yeast.xlsx
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