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(Lanjutan) Waterbirds and shorebirds observed at the Sei Tuan / Pantai Lalang mudflat, North Sumatra from January to June 2011.
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Waterbirds and shorebirds observed at the Sei Tuan / Pantai Lalang mudflat, North Sumatra from January to June 2011.
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Waterbirds and shorebirds observed at the Rugemuk / Pantai Labu mudflat, North Sumatra from January to June 2011.
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Waterbirds counted at the Tanjung Rejo rookery, North Sumatra.
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Study area in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Breeding site denotes location of rookery.
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View of mudflat and mangrove forest around Tanjung Rejo Village.
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Large flocks of shorebirds on mudflat of Rugemuk village.
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Asian Dowitcher (Limnodromus semipalmatus) used mudflats in Percut village as a foraging area.
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Nordmann’s Greenshank (Tringa guttifer), Sei Tuan mudflat.
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Egrets flock at rookery in Tanjung Rejo Village.
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