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59,861 to 59,870 of 65,677 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 8.9 KB - MD5: cd9a39f14ff72dd1887e308bbdc26c6b
Total Standing stocks of wet weight various brown algae in each sampling site, assuming that the map accuracy for Pamengpeuk, South coast of Jogjakarta and Pari Island are 70%, 61% and 54%, respectively.
JPEG Image - 114.9 KB - MD5: 42a51a963bb018d1c8ec88ceeb7107b9
Gambar 1. Morfologi tanaman pisang di rumah kaca. Keterangan: a. kontrol negatif; b. Bacillus sp. 140-B; c. Streptomyces sp. L.3-DW; d. Kontrol positif; e. Bacillus sp. 140-B + Foc; f. Streptomyces sp. L.3.1-DW + Foc; g. Bacillus sp. 140-B + Streptomyces sp. L.3.1-DW + Foc
Tabular Data - 4.2 KB - 4 Variables, 59 Observations - UNF:6:LUP9kgSvXB7/60M/SyMk3Q==
Lampiran 1. Daftar jenis tumbuhan di Kalitoko, Teluk Mayalibit, Pulau Waigeo
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 10.0 KB - MD5: d9cbe59772032168bd2ca6fb8aaeac45
Tabel 1. Daftar jenis tumbuhan mangrove di Kalitoko, Teluk Mayalibit, Pulau Waigeo (CR = Kritis; EN = Genting; VU = Rawan)
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 11.7 KB - MD5: 21e31718fac3f43f4e4fcf8c53925fb8
Tabel 1. Daftar jenis tumbuhan mangrove di Kalitoko, Teluk Mayalibit, Pulau Waigeo (CR = Kritis; EN = Genting; VU = Rawan)
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