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PNG Image - 326.3 KB - MD5: 4e6a2c573d6f5f99e34092395a878639
Field works during seagrass sampling.
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Field works during Sargassum sampling in the Pamengpeuk (top) and in the Pari Island (bottom).
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Bathymetry maps of Biak (A and C), Lower and Upper part of Padaido Islands (B and C), and Pari Island (D) derived from ALOS AVNIR-2.
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An example 3 groups of reef fishes that assessed their standing stocks in this study
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Map of seagrass in the east coast of Bintan produced using ALOS AVNIR-2
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Seagrass found in the east coast of Bintan Island. 1), Thalassia hempricii, 2. Enhalus acoroides, 3. Halodule uninervis, 4. Cymodocea. Serrulata, 5. Syringodium isoetifolium, 6. Halophila ovalis, 7. Halophila spinulosa, 8. Thalassodendron ciliatum, 9. Cymodocea rotundata, and 10....
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 8.2 KB - MD5: eeabd157d3439b4f0366e7e612390a3e
ALOS AVNIR-2 Data used for bathymetry mapping and coral reef fish stock assessment.
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Reef Areas (ha) calculated from bathymetry maps in Fig.6; Density of reef fish (fish/m2) from field survey; and standing stock of fish (numbers of fish x 103) from Biak-Padaido Islands and Pari Island.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 8.8 KB - MD5: 41e03fbd7f3cd21f199f835a6903b79e
Long term monitoring mangrove changes in the Kotania and Kayeli Bays.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 8.2 KB - MD5: bcfd478797b9f534a6bd33078ed96bbf
ALOS AVNIR-2 Data used for Sargassum mapping and assessing their stock.
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