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62,051 to 62,060 of 66,128 Results
Tabular Data - 721 B - 10 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:dOLZP/dSBwZYeelexRAxkQ==
Tabel 6. Kelas diameter (individu per hektar) di hutan mangrove Air Tawar, Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu
Tabular Data - 1.1 KB - 11 Variables, 17 Observations - UNF:6:5uPkuxKJrVjxU1wz626XWg==
Tabel 7. Kelas diameter (individu per hektar) di hutan mangrove Teluk Semut, Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu
PNG Image - 984.7 KB - MD5: d5ed1d85359bc7f1cecd545614fb4813
(a) Study site and fish sampling locations in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, on the island of Borneo (inset: black dot, location of study sites; solid gray shading, Mentaya drainage; gray shading with lines, Kapuas drainage, for which the baseline fish community was re...
PNG Image - 64.8 KB - MD5: 274d569a1060dcaf5fa6f7ff51dddfaa
Relationship between functional diversity metrics of fish communities and stream types (i.e., continuous forest streams, oil-palm plantation streams located within forested riparian reserves, and oil-palm plantation streams lacking forested riparian reserves) based on the best-s...
PNG Image - 74.6 KB - MD5: f2330357899dc7947cc375c29f4798de
Selected morphological data of V. nebulosus from Riau Archipelago and Java. P= scale counts from rictus to rictus, S= scale counts around midbody, T= ventral scale rows between gular fold and insertion of hind legs, XY= dorsal scale rows between hind margin of tympanum and inse...
JPEG Image - 97.1 KB - MD5: 26f9d630c5074b0f8c65bcd53530d546
Gambar 1. Kerusakan Pterocarpus indicus akibat serangan Ganoderma sp. di kampus UGM.
JPEG Image - 93.5 KB - MD5: 6db0526fde369cb7db18396270bee47c
Gambar 2. Uji Postulat Koch Ganoderma sp. menggunakan tanaman indikator Crotalaria sp.. (A) Kontrol, (B) Diinokulasi dengan Ganoderma sp. (C) Rhizomorf jamur patogen pada pangkal batang dan perakaran.
JPEG Image - 137.4 KB - MD5: 0533e6a16ca812f7e7f49176c0698f6d
Gambar 3. Respon toleransi semai Pterocarpus indicus terhadap Ganoderma sp. isolat GD TP2 8 minggu setelah inokulasi. (A) rhizomorf, (B) penampang melintang dan perlakuan kontrol, (C) rhizomorf, dan (D) penampang melintang.
JPEG Image - 132.8 KB - MD5: 393cda9d3828a5727c2b44ab2ac3fcbb
Gambar 4. Respon toleransi semai Polyalthia longifolia terhadap Ganoderma sp. isolat GD TP2 48 minggu setelah inokulasi. (A) rhizomorf, (B) penampang melintang dan perlakuan kontrol, (C) rhizomorf, dan (D) penampang melintang.
JPEG Image - 60.0 KB - MD5: c1aa69e3f62bb6b252bfa0fe9325f5d9
Tabel. 1. Gejala yang muncul setelah inokulasi (minggu)
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