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59,841 to 59,850 of 65,677 Results
PNG Image - 34.1 KB - MD5: a403efa0fd3662edef0a1daf839c3844
Kelimpahan ikan karang berdasarkan kelas habitat perairan dengan sensus RRA.
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Stok ikan berdasarkan kelas habitat.
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Good condition of seagrass ecosystem in the coast of Bintan indicated by their association with corals, and other floras and faunas and thus, provide various commercial fisheries products, such as dry salt anchovies and shrimp, dry sea horses, sea cucumber, seaweeds and many othe...
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Zoning plan map for managing the seagrass resources in the east cost of Bintan derived using AlOS AVNIR-2 images.
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Maps of mangroves in the Kotania Bay, west of Seram Island (top) and Kayeli Bay, Buru Island (bottom), Maluku Province and various living resources provided by this ecosystem. (Red: mangrove, Green: land forest, Light blue: reef flat that covered by seagrass, Dark blue: sea)
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Long term monitoring the changes of mangrove in the Kotania Bay (top) and Kayeli Bay (bottom).
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Habitat map of Sargassum (brown algae), Ulva (green alge), seagrass, sand, shallow pool in the Pamengpeuk beach during non-growing (top: 2009/09/14) and growing seasons (bottom: 2008/09/14).
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Habitat map of Sargassum (brown algae), Ulva (green algae), seagrass, in the south coast of Jogjakarta (top) and in the Pari Island (Bottom)
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Map of Indonesia showing the study sites (1. Biak and Padaido Islands; 2. Pari Island; 3. Bintan Island; 4. Ceram and Buru Islands, 5. Coast of Pamengpeuk, and 6. Coast of south Jogjakarta).
PNG Image - 275.8 KB - MD5: 2de474f8072093abca2e48f865889810
Visual census of reef fishes using LIT
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