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59,821 to 59,830 of 65,677 Results
PNG Image - 87.8 KB - MD5: a5e7eaf9377674348c5588b3730eaf09
Corrections to Depth Measured
PNG Image - 389.7 KB - MD5: f11cdf9e0605bcdf5426e8a28a4d969e
Geomorphic zonation of Panggang reef waters
PNG Image - 1005.5 KB - MD5: 9934e28850bfd295f4913b30032943d4
Natural composite images of study area: a) ALOS AVNIR, b) Quickbird 2 and c) Worldview 2
PNG Image - 293.3 KB - MD5: dbbdbf13f66ef5a47c606b6a9ed7643d
Bathymetric image from Quickbird
PNG Image - 525.0 KB - MD5: b46d6edf91ace90fbea80e840297e55b
Tracing bathymetric contour from Quick bird bathymetric image
PNG Image - 878.4 KB - MD5: 85055ad9b8705f098e3f89d9f6f34c8e
Digital bathymetric terrain model of Panggang island
Tabular Data - 200 B - 5 Variables, 4 Observations - UNF:6:57FRpxc+5FY6cOTrVF6ksQ==
Satellite images used in this study
PNG Image - 39.6 KB - MD5: 0717a1704daaa7943701be5fe52f21a8
Sensor characteristics of Worldview, Quickbird and ALOS AVNIR 2 satellites (modificated from Digital Globe, 2010 and JAEA, 2008)
Tabular Data - 184 B - 4 Variables, 8 Observations - UNF:6:Q2tbhEoNqO7Qf+EKgFyR1A==
Summary of Jupp Parameters for Quickbird image
JPEG Image - 66.4 KB - MD5: 5beb762e56d873b75ca56f6b8c2fb1bb
Hasil CMT pada ternak sapi erah di Tasikmalaya keterangan : (a). Hasil CMT 1, (b) CMT 2 dan (c) CMT 3
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