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Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Group Dataverse (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
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81 to 90 of 91 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 238.9 KB - MD5: 168d77be99da7e836799524f562bb85c
Jun 4, 2021 - Ocean Carbon Cycle Assessment Dataverse
Wahyudi, Aan Johan, 2021, "Carbon Emission Factor Dataset for Indonesia's Seagrass Ecosystem",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Emission Factor for seagrass ecosystem in Indonesia, derived from the seagrass biomass carbon stock.
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 58.5 KB - MD5: 1cb991e855ccbd7e204dd22cfc97d894
Jun 3, 2021 - Ocean Carbon Cycle Assessment Dataverse
Wahyudi, Aan Johan; Rahmawati, Susi; Hadiyanto; Irawan, Andri, 2021, "Seagrass carbon dataset",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Wahyudi, A'an Johan (2021), “Supplementary Materials (Wahyudi et al., 2020)”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/k2pjh6rpxb.1
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 19.6 KB - MD5: eb8bf0237b05efbbd52727c278cabc0d
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 151.3 KB - MD5: 97a252f2844fff540ae870dc5b37c4db
Apr 27, 2021 - Ocean Carbon Cycle Assessment Dataverse
Wahyudi, Aan Johan; Hadiyanto, 2021, "Script code - seagrass carbon dataset",, RIN Dataverse, V1
This R-script code is used to conduct the analysis of Robust Linear Mixed Models (rL MMs) that was used in the study by Wahyudi et al. (2020). How to Use this code? You need to modify this script depending on your dataset (e.g., the name of datasets and variables). We encourage y...
R Syntax - 9.2 KB - MD5: d53efeb7593a79780c39181429c7d87e
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