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Gzip Archive - 22.0 MB - MD5: a0d62de59464721bb660a9073a171f9d
Gzip Archive - 20.7 MB - MD5: 28dc1b48991da4f5cb4c39a96bc21cbe
Gzip Archive - 16.4 MB - MD5: 06f06dd2090ff0daf1d9cd9c2fd33ca7
Gzip Archive - 22.1 MB - MD5: a61fc1064a02ad8b45b5f8127e972cd7
Gzip Archive - 18.1 MB - MD5: 5043c5a2432e9ced471edb09184da252
Gzip Archive - 16.7 MB - MD5: 9996b19d179cce8c263fb3b6c00d5c75
Gzip Archive - 22.3 MB - MD5: 76ce77720698a334af5de478e60205e6
Gzip Archive - 21.1 MB - MD5: cc3e11d181de57387a6102afe776857c
Jun 8, 2023 - Seascape genetic Thalassia hemprichii in the Kimberley
Hernawan, Udhi Eko; Kavazos, Christopher, 2023, "R script for seascape genetic analysis",, RIN Dataverse, V1
This R script is for seascape genetic analysis used in the manucript "Ocean connectivity and habitat characteristics predict population genetic structure of seagrass in an extreme tropical setting", submitted to Ecology and Evolution, authored by Hernawan et al (2023)
R Syntax - 9.3 KB - MD5: b7167e65b7f05c73775a6e27adefeda4
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