91 to 100 of 9,743 Results
Sep 20, 2019 -
Pencapaian Kebun Raya Indonesia dalam Target 8 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)
PNG Image - 421.7 KB -
MD5: ca7ab01daedccf8c4a8f3e80ee7d9cfd
a. Deskripsi data: Daftar tumbuhan Indonesia terancam versi IUCN 2009 yang perbanyakannya telah dilakukan di Pembibitan Subbidang Reintroduksi Tumbuhan Langka Kebun Raya Bogor
b. Format data: .png |
PNG Image - 762.4 KB -
MD5: 2070b7eb1465830e7ff28624ecf7d829
a. Deskripsi data: Isolectotypes of Elatostema subscabrum H.Schroet. (Urticaceae) (SING67093)
b. Format data: .png |
PNG Image - 687.3 KB -
MD5: 50142077839663ce959c9749ee1db8a5
a. Deskripsi data: Lectotype (upper left) and isolectotype (lower) of Elatostema subcabrum H. Schroet. (Urticaceae) (SING s.n.)
b. Format data: .png |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.2 KB -
MD5: d1d2cff2b157c65a4a146e18c0672e47
a. Deskripsi data: Diagnostic morphological features distinguishing Elatostema subscabrum from E. sessile
b. Format data: .xlsx |
Sep 19, 2019 -
Self and Cross Inoculation of Papilionanthe Hookeriana and Taeniophyllum Obtusum Orchid Mycorrhiza
Tabular Data - 402 B - 3 Variables, 7 Observations - UNF:6:kvJMnPo6u0EH1uKkXUe/XQ==
a. Deskripsi data: Treatments for symbiotic studies
b. Format data: .xlsx |
Sep 19, 2019 -
Self and Cross Inoculation of Papilionanthe Hookeriana and Taeniophyllum Obtusum Orchid Mycorrhiza
Tabular Data - 99 B - 3 Variables, 3 Observations - UNF:6:6IbtKG/PUhti+R4pJ0eEQQ==
a. Deskripsi data: Duration for the fungal hyphae to reach one centimeter in FIM
b. Format data: .xlsx |
Sep 19, 2019 -
Self and Cross Inoculation of Papilionanthe Hookeriana and Taeniophyllum Obtusum Orchid Mycorrhiza
Tabular Data - 236 B - 7 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:LIjZP4BaBOJYP/WK/eDn4Q==
a. Deskripsi data: Development of germinating Papilionanthe hookeriana
b. Format data: .xlsx |
Sep 19, 2019 -
Self and Cross Inoculation of Papilionanthe Hookeriana and Taeniophyllum Obtusum Orchid Mycorrhiza
Tabular Data - 232 B - 2 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:eX0ruc4HJBE2MwRHpw94tw==
a. Deskripsi data: Percentage of seed germination of Papilionanthe hookeriana at different fungal inoculation treatements
b. Format data: .xlsx |
Sep 19, 2019 -
Self and Cross Inoculation of Papilionanthe Hookeriana and Taeniophyllum Obtusum Orchid Mycorrhiza
Tabular Data - 300 B - 3 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:2sGxR0v+RelYuhU+JmgTUQ==
a. Deskripsi data: Average number of leaf and root per seedling of Papilionanthe hookeriana
b. Format data: .xlsx |
Sep 19, 2019 -
Self and Cross Inoculation of Papilionanthe Hookeriana and Taeniophyllum Obtusum Orchid Mycorrhiza
Tabular Data - 207 B - 7 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:lsbBvN45G+k+7HrSCRUXnA==
a. Deskripsi data: Developmental course of germinating Taeniophyllum obtsum seeds</br>
b. Format data: .xlsx |