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101 to 110 of 11,821 Results
Sep 20, 2019
Conn, Barry J.; Hadiah, Julisasi Tri; Webber, B.L., 2018, "The Status of Cecropia (Urticaceae) Introductions in Malesia: Addressing The Confusion",, RIN Dataverse, V2
As part of the great global movement of plants in the 18th and 19th centuries, many valuable and commercial plants were sent from the Neotropics to Europe as seeds or as live specimens. Cecropia (Urticaceae) was in cultivation in England in 1789, yet species delimitation was not...
MS Word - 27.2 KB - MD5: 933f82cafbacf5356e0533294d810a7f
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MS Word - 15.9 KB - MD5: 585eeb2f7189739079136ffaf060ea1c
a. Deskripsi: Diagnostic macro-morphological features distinguishing Cecropia pachystachya, C. palmata and C. peltata. b. Format file: .docx
MS Word - 19.7 KB - MD5: 7085b71524cf54a6973fd0e7152af865
a. Deskripsi: Plants of Cecropia (Urticaceae) grown at Kebun Raya Bogor, Indonesia (KRB), based on Botanische Tuin (Botanic Garden book) records, index cards recording the death of cultivated collections, and herbarium specimens held at KRB. The identity of the plant material re...
Sep 20, 2019
Purnomo, Danang Wahyu; Hendrian, R.; Witon, Joko Ridho; Kusuma, Yayan Wahyu Candra; Risna, Rosniati Apriani; Siregar, Mustaid, 2018, "Pencapaian Kebun Raya Indonesia dalam Target 8 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) has a very close link to the works of botanic gardens. It highlights the importance of ex situ collections of threatened plants and their recovery programme. The aim of this paper was to present the Indonesian Botanic...
PNG Image - 320.7 KB - MD5: c3162fc8a26a83c8b918b6b48f918ab4
a. Deskripsi data: Prosentase tumbuhan terancam di Indonesia berdasarkan sukunya b. Format data: .png
PNG Image - 186.6 KB - MD5: e2514b7003ba5afd3a920f5c375f9507
a. Deskripsi data: Perbandingan jumlah jenis tumbuhan Indonesia terancam yang telah dikoleksi Kebun Raya Indonesia dan jumlah jenis tumbuhan Indonesia terancam versi IUCN (2009) b. Format data: .png
PNG Image - 182.1 KB - MD5: 54ea7864fcbf2a521b5c405edbf31f01
a. Deskripsi data: Perbandingan jumlah koleksi jenis tumbuhan terancam di Kebun Raya Indonesia b. Format data: .png
PNG Image - 223.4 KB - MD5: d22e69fb9e21d111b361dcfb9b8cfe0f
a. Deskripsi data: Jumlah jenis tumbuhan terancam di negara-negara Asia Tenggara. b. Format data: .png
PNG Image - 352.4 KB - MD5: 258e52c98734e5b739a9cd9b0a059eae
a. Deskripsi data: Kegiatan reintroduksi oleh Kebun Raya Bogor selama periode 2005-2009 b. Format data: .png
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