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1,921 to 1,930 of 2,078 Results
Mar 16, 2018
Wouthuyzen, Sam; Aoyama, Jun; Sugeha, H. Yulia; Miller, Michael J.; Kuroki, Mari; Minegishi, Yuki; Suharti, Sasanti R.; Tsukamoto, Katsumi, 2018, "Seasonality of spawning by tropical anguillid eels around Sulawesi Island, Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Remarkably little is known about the life histories of the many tropical anguillid eels distributed across the Indo-Pacific region, and since the Danish expedition to study eels in the region in 1928 and 1929, research on these eels has only begun again in recent years. Sampling...
Mar 16, 2018
Setyastuti, Ana, 2018, "Fosil dan Evolusi Holothuroidea (Echinodermata)",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Holothuroidea is one of the Echinodermata classes which widely distributed in the ocean, from intertidal to the deep sea, and from the tropical to the polar. Approximately 1400 species of this class have already been described and divided into six orders. Studies on this class sh...
Mar 16, 2018
Puspitasari, Rachma, 2018, "Efek Pengasaman Laut pada Ikan",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO) are causing global warming and ocean acidification, which have been identified as major causes of change in biological systems. Oceans are acidifying through increased levels of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO) from anthropogenic source....
Mar 15, 2018
Arifin, Zainal; Puspitasari, Rahma; Miyazaki, Nobuyuki, 2018, "Heavy Metal Contamination in Indonesian Coastal Marine Ecosystems: A Historical Perspective",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Toxic heavy metals are one of the widespread environmental contaminants in Indonesian coastal waters. Research and monitoring on heavy metal contaminations have been conducted since 1980. The development of pollution studies may be divided into three phases: firstly, monitoring o...
Mar 15, 2018
Sasmito, Ediati; Harimurti, Sri; Nurhidayat, Hendy; Anggoro, Wahyu; Hikmawati, Elita Nur; Wibowo, Joko Tri; Evi, Atut Sulma; Hilmi, Nurul, 2018, "Influence of Morinda Citrifolia, L. Fruit Extract as Adjuvant on Ig-Y Production Raised in Laying Chickens Against Avian Influenza Vaccine",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Immunized avian with vaccine, produces specific antibody in the serum as well as in the egg yolk. An adjuvant is used to augment the effects of a vaccine by stimulating the immune response. Morinda citrifolia, L., especially the fruit contains of some chemical compounds such as p...
Mar 15, 2018
Fizzanty, Trina; Kusnandar; Oktaviyanti, Dini; Hermawati, Wati; Manalu, Radot; Rosaira, Ishelina, 2018, "Tipologi, Efektivitas dan Elemen-Elemen Utama dalam Kolaborasi Riset Internasional: Studi Kasus Pada Beberapa Proyek Riset Internasional di LIPI",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Tulisan ini bertujuan memaparkan hasil penelitian tentang pelbagai tipe kolaborasi riset internasional antar institusi, dan tingkat keefektifannya dalam meningkatkan kapasitas ilmiah dan inovasi serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keefektifan kolaborasi ilmiah tersebut. Studi di...
Mar 14, 2018
Puspitasari, Rachma, 2018, "Lamun sebagai Bioindikator Kontaminan Logam",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Lamun, kelompok tanaman berbunga unik yang beradaptasi dengan terendam di laut, sangat mempengaruhi sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi dari pesisir dan mempunyai banyak fungsi ekologik. Ekosistem lamun memiliki nilai ekologi penting dengan mendukung biodiversitas dan berperan sebagai...
Mar 14, 2018
Dirhamsyah; Mao , Lin; Zhen-Zu, Xu; Jia-Qi, Huang; Dong-Hui, Guo; Chun-Guang, Wang; Peng, Xiang, 2018, "Two New Species of Leptomedusae From The Bitung Strait, Indonesia (CNIDARIA)",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Samples of Hydroidomedusa were collected from the Bitung Strait, Indonesia Sea (1. 350 – 1.500 N, 125. 100 – 125. 260 E), during June 2012. Through the analysis of 38 samples, teo new species of Leptomedusae are described, i.e. Eirene pentanemalis Lin, Xu et Huang, sp. nov. and L...
Mar 13, 2018
Zulkarnain, Iskandar, 2018, "Geochemical Evidence Of Island-Arc Origin In Volcanic Rocks Of Central Sumatera",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Geochemical study on volcanic in Lampung and Bengkulu regions proposed a preposition that the western part of Sumatera is formed by a separated fragment with island-arc character and does not belong to continental margin of Eurasia. Geochemical signatures of western and eastern v...
Mar 13, 2018
Aminullah, Erman; Fizzanty, Trina; Indraprahasta, Galuh Syahbana; Asmara, Indri Juwita, 2018, "Technological Capability Upgrading and Entrepreneurship: Case Study of Selected Indonesian Fish Processing Companies",, RIN Dataverse, V1
This study analyzes the technological capability upgrading and entrepreneurship in the Indonesian fish processing industry. The analysis viewed from the Sectoral Innovation System (SIS) focuses on two aspects: the enabling factors for innovation, and the role of entrepreneur in t...
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