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11,631 to 11,640 of 11,821 Results
Mar 8, 2018
Satyanti, Annisa; M.Siregar, Hartutiningsih, 2018, "Microclimate preference and habitat of Begonia in Bedugul, Bali",, RIN Dataverse, V1
A study on ecology of Begonia was conducted in two forest sites, a nature reserve and reboisation forest, in Bedugul, Bali. The objective of the study was to describe the Begonia species found in these forest sites, to gather information on microclimatic variables and to find the...
Mar 8, 2018
Pribadi, Didit Okta; Rustiadi, E.; Pravitasari, A.E.; Indraprahasta, G.S.; Iman, L.S., 2018, "Jabodetabek Megacity: From City Development Toward Urban Complex Management System",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Jabodetabek has developed from the small and separated city regions into a larger and unified megacity. This area consists of Jakarta as the core city and its surrounding areas namely Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. Recently Jabodetabek has become the largest megacity in Indo...
Mar 8, 2018
Sahromi; Purwantoro, R. Subekti; M. Siregar, Hartutiningsih, 2018, "Perbanyakan Heritiera javanica (Blume) Koesterm sebagai jenis penghasil kayu pada berbagai intensitas naungan dan media",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Heritiera javanica (Blume) Koesterm merupakan jenis penghasil kayu dan regenerasinya di alam rendah. Perlu dilakukan perbanyakan pada jenis ini. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh faktor intensitas naungan dan media terhadap kesintasan dan pertumbuhan semai H. j...
Mar 8, 2018
Pribadi, Didit Okta; Putra, A.S.; Rustiadi, E., 2018, "Determining Optimal Location Of New Growth Centers Based On LFP-IRIO Model To Reduce Regional Disparity In Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Development policy that mainly focuses on economic growth has triggered increasing regional disparity in Indonesia, exacerbated by the concentrated development of growth centers that generate backwash effects rather than spillover effects. Balanced regional development is needed...
Mar 8, 2018
Mursidawati, Sofi; Ngatari; Irawati; Cardinal, Sarah; Wati, Richa Kusuma, 2018, "Ex Situ Conservation Of Rafflesia Patma Blume (Rafflesiaceae) An Endangered Emblematic Parasitic Species From Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Plants in the genus Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae) bear the largest flowers in the world. Almost all members of this holoparasitic plant family have limited ranges and are rare or threatened. This genus is there fore important from a scientific and conservation perspective. An ex situ...
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