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JPEG Image - 24.3 KB - MD5: 832e54d6585a2511461f560a4f4cb0ec
Gambar 7. Ilustrasi susunan titik-titik atom dalam sistem FCC dalam salah satu sudut pandang.
JPEG Image - 54.3 KB - MD5: 2a87336df70c552cc08739e14ff6e04a
Tabel 1.Data difraksi sampel Al-5052 tanpa perlakuan annealing pasca ECAP
JPEG Image - 55.9 KB - MD5: 12b1178f811928ef1cd5fee5b3ea74ce
Tabel 2.Data difraksi sampel Al-5052 dengan temperatur annealing pasca ECAP sebesar 100 oC
JPEG Image - 54.8 KB - MD5: 72059be86f63b84e1fbb71db5dee77a2
Tabel 3.Data difraksi sampel Al-5052 dengan temperatur annealing pasca ECAP sebesar 200 oC.
JPEG Image - 56.1 KB - MD5: 80907b36f9512ec1dd6e29250911b6ec
Tabel 4.Data difraksi sampel Al-5052 dengan temperatur annealing pasca ECAP sebesar 300 oC.
Nov 22, 2018
Solikin; Nurfadilah, Siti, 2018, "Effect of Seed Maturity and Storage Duration on Germination of Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Seed maturity and its storage are one of problems on propagation and developing of medicinal plants such as sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) ex Nees). The research aimed to determine effects of seed maturity and storage duration on seed germination of sambiloto was co...
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