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271 to 280 of 11,821 Results
Tabular Data - 772 B - 9 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:lE43d5hfV0OF+vuGr23cUQ==
Tabel 2. Produktivitas Primer di Estuari Sungai Cisadane Selama Penelitian
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.2 KB - MD5: 3a91a3fabf04e2fc035662656dd1b415
Tabel 3. Produktivitas Primer di Beberapa Estuari dan Teluk di Indonesia
Nov 22, 2018
Yuwono, Akhmad Herman; Arini, Tri; Lalasari, Latifa Hanum; Sofyan, Nofrijon; Ramahdita, Ghiska; Nararya, Andaradhi; Firdiyono, F.; Andriyah, Lia; Subhan, Achmad, 2018, "The Effect Of Various Precursors And Solvents On The Characteristics Of Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Conducting Glass Fabricated By Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) glass is one of most important components in dyesensitized solar cell (DSSC) device. In addition to its high electrical conductivity, transparency is another important requirement that must be achieved in fabricating TCO. One TCO film is fluorin...
JPEG Image - 117.2 KB - MD5: 21a49a502a9f9e82b9b1a57f1746aa02
Figure 1 Top view (left) and cross section (right) SEM images of 2 wt% fluorine doped thin films fabricated at a substrate heating temperature of 300°C and 20 minute deposition time, with precursor and solvent variations of: (a) SnCl2.2H2O+ethanol; (b) SnCl2.2H2O+methanol; (c) Sn...
JPEG Image - 47.0 KB - MD5: fa21105b52ddfd4dfb94c9001cf0c097
Table 1 Semi-quantitative EDS-SEM analysis of FTO thin films with a variety of tin (Sn) precursors and solvents at 2% wt fluorine doping, substrate heating temperature of 300°C, and 20 minute deposition time
JPEG Image - 39.8 KB - MD5: 4552b50c24bd480582215113dffae414
Table 2 Resistivity measurement results of the FTO films fabricated by using precursors and solvents at a ratio of 2% wt fluorine doping, substrate temperature of 300°C, and 20 minute deposition time
Nov 22, 2018
Harsono, Eko, 2018, "Evaluasi Kemampuan Pulih Diri Oksigen Terlarut Air Sungai Citarum Hulu",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pulih diri (self purification) oksigen terlarut (DO;Dissolved Oxygen) melalui uji kelenturan DO diperagakan dengan model QUAL2K,dan diuji melalui simulasi pengubahan nilai parameter pada model lengkung DO. Parameter model yang diubah nilainya...
Adobe PDF - 1.1 MB - MD5: 71505517c355a6d0db4fd51015949f69
PNG Image - 24.7 KB - MD5: c227dc1039193bd071540ded25de33d3
Gambar 10. Penjumlahan Eksponen Karakteristik Penampang Melintang Tiap Reach di Sungai Citarum hulu
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