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551 to 560 of 11,821 Results
PNG Image - 40.8 KB - MD5: ec7bfce773686ef2725372f178f047e9
Gambar 2.2. Struktur molekul TDI
PNG Image - 52.7 KB - MD5: 5b233110ec5355fb66babc4f5cfe8d7d
Gambar 2.3 Reaksi antara HTPB dan TDI membentuk poliuretan
PNG Image - 47.7 KB - MD5: fbe8aa7064ca3f994aa88a4fc534382c
Tabel 4.1 Hasil uji konduktivitas termal
Nov 13, 2018
Surya, Muhammad Imam, 2018, "Growth Responses of Arben (Rubus fraxinifolius Poir.) Seedling to Various Planting Media",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Study of the effects of various media on growth of Arben (Rubus fraxinifoilus Poir.) seedlings through seed multiplication was carried out. This study was aimed to determine the effect of planting media on the growth of arben seedlings. The experiment used various media i.e. comp...
PNG Image - 1.4 MB - MD5: 6972f531184f6993b5274ff8325c5dd5
Arben (Rubus fraxinifolius Poir.) (A: flowers; B: fruits)
PNG Image - 1.1 MB - MD5: 623e75bf598754cd435303e6dadf01d4
Growth of Rubus fraxinifolius Poir. seedling in various media (A: sand+husk; B: compost+husk; C: compost and D: sand+husk+compost)
PNG Image - 75.4 KB - MD5: aa9c403ca0d8518321debde074c29e3e
Effect of planting media on vegetative growth of Arben (Rubus fraxinifolius) seedling
Nov 13, 2018
Prasetiyo, Puguh; Nasoetion, Ronald, 2018, "Masih Terbukanya Peluang Penelitian Proses Caron Untuk Mengolah Laterit Kadar Rendah Di Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:l78DWW9va3foV/biezCrSQ== [fileUNF]
Indonesia memiliki cadangan nikel pada peringkat dua dunia. Cadangan tersebut berupa bijih nikel oksida yang lazim disebut laterit, berada di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI) terutama di Sulawesi Tenggara dan Halmahera. Adapun laterit terdiri dari limonit berkadar Ni<1,5 % dan sapro...
PNG Image - 40.9 KB - MD5: 3c22507c5bc877f98d154218ae813be8
Gambar 1. Diagram alir pengolahan serpentine dengan proses caron di Nicaro
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