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PNG Image - 160.0 KB - MD5: 93a59648e974dd971bd0d307d3c8973b
Gambar 8. Hasil Uji Kelenturan Lengkung DO sungai Citarum Hulu
PNG Image - 104.7 KB - MD5: 61d1aa9f7d28f2b243c44b5abfd7c31b
Tabel 1. Laju Oksidasi (k1) di Ttitik Influen
PNG Image - 38.3 KB - MD5: 5c6dba45d65e3cd065473260c7202c1b
Tabel 2. Laju Oksidasi (k1) Titik Sampling di Sungai
PNG Image - 110.6 KB - MD5: 927b971b90568249460fc42dad7acf83
Tabel 3. Parameter Model
PNG Image - 20.0 KB - MD5: 16e2676a30f91d563e145a39e07c7be8
Hasil analisis logam Pb pada air pasca fitoremediasi dan pH air
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