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361 to 370 of 11,821 Results
PNG Image - 99.2 KB - MD5: b3e6c39a7967e6cd95947a5beb7fcad4
Kandungan hara tanah pada areal koleksi Kebun Raya Purwodadi
PNG Image - 114.6 KB - MD5: 7c2723cd009a3a08abb6531079534bb4
Tekstur tanah, pH, karbon organik, kapasitas tukar kation, dan kejenuhan basa pada 27 plot di Kebun Raya Purwodadi
Nov 20, 2018
Herbirowo, Satrio; Adjiantoro, Bintang, 2018, "Characteristic of Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Heat Rolled Laterite Steel with Variety of Size Reduction",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Indonesia has the most laterite ore reserves in the world. The element originated from thelaterite ore is one of the materials in the steel industry. Despite its plentiful of reserves, laterite steelore has not been used to its maximum potential. This research aims to overview re...
JPEG Image - 20.8 KB - MD5: 9ce9e726a1f96cf569404cbc2387a922
Fig. 4. Microstructure A0 500 x manification
JPEG Image - 27.1 KB - MD5: 4349f24719cc3a8bbad9e1faeeb352bd
Fig. 5. Microstructure A1 500 x magnification
JPEG Image - 29.2 KB - MD5: ca61bdd5fca01e415194330409c613a5
Fig. 6. Microstructure A4 500 x magnification
JPEG Image - 34.1 KB - MD5: b15987f3f2fd7968bb66013886e2103d
Fig. 7. Fractography A0 (As Cast) 1000x magnification
JPEG Image - 40.0 KB - MD5: 8de1f5d79486c0b41388c2faed87499d
Fig. 8. Fractography A1 1000x magnification
JPEG Image - 20.1 KB - MD5: 1946a43e621fa10024622024d0ee0299
Table 1. Laterite Steel Composition
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