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371 to 380 of 11,821 Results
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Table 2. Laterite Steel Sample Measurement
Nov 20, 2018
Husni, Syahroma; Muschsin, Ismudi; Sulistiono, 2018, "Potensi Rekrut Ikan Bonti-Bonti (Paratherina striata Aurich) di Danau Towuti, Sulawesi Selatan",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Ikan Bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata) selain endemik, statusnya tergolong rawan punah (vulnerable species) dan hanya terdapat di Danau Towuti dan Danau Mahalona. Masyarakat di sekitar danau memanfaatkan ikan ini sebagai ikan konsumsi, ikan hias dan bahan pakan hewan. Populasi ik...
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Gambar1. Stasiun pengambilan contoh di DanauTowuti
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Tabel1. Stasiun pengamatan dan titik koordinat
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Tabel2. Potensi rekrut ikan bonti-bonti dibandingkan dengan beberapa jenis ikan dari famili Telmatherinidae lain
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Tabel 3. Keadaan histologi ovari dan testis ikan bonti-bonti pada masing-masing tingkat perkembangan
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Tabel 4. Nilai indeks kematangan gonad ikan bonti-bonti jantan dan betina di setiap stasiun pengambilan contoh di DanauTowuti
Nov 20, 2018
Rindyastuti, Ridesti; Nurfadilah, Siti; Rahadiantoro, Apriyono; Hapsari, Lia; Abywijaya, Ilham Kurnia, 2018, "Leaf Anatomical Characters of Four Epiphytic Orchids of Sempu Island, East Java, Indonesia: The Importance in Identification and Ecological Adaptation",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Leaf anatomy features are important characters to support species identification and classification, and they are related to ecological adaptation of species. The aims of the present study were: (i) to investigate leaf anatomical characters of four epiphytic orchids of Sempu Isla...
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Four orchids species which grow in coastal habitats of Sempu Island. A. Ascochilus emarginatus (Blume) Schuit., B. Dendrobium subulatum (Blume) Lindl., C. Thrixspermum subulatum (Blume) Rchb.f., D. Thrixspermum acuminatissimum (Blume) Rchb.f. Courtesy: Figure 1.A. Siti Nurfadilah...
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