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11,551 to 11,560 of 11,821 Results
Mar 12, 2018
Rahayu, Sri, 2018, "Kebangkitan Cina dan Pesimisme Indonesia dalam Perkembangan Hubungan Perdagangan Bilateral Indonesia-Cina untuk Produk Teknologi Tinggi",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengulas seberapa besar pesimisme Indonesia dalam hubungan dagang-nya dengan Cina, khususnya untuk produk teknolo-gi tinggi. Sebab UNCOMTRADE (2012) mengungkap bahwa nilai defisit perdagangan produk teknologi tinggi Indonesia (dengan Cina) meningkat dr...
Mar 12, 2018
Zulkarnain, Iskandar, 2018, "New Geochemical Data Of Island-Arc Origin For Sumatera: The Bengkulu Case",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Sumatera is always recognized as margin of Eurasia continental plate, where the Indian oceanic plate is considered to be subducted beneath continental materials. The subduction system has produced volcanic or magmatic rocks on Sumatera at least since Cretaceous. Chemical analytic...
Mar 12, 2018
Hermawati, Wati; Putra, Prakoso Bhairawa; Hidayat, Dudi; Poerbosisworo, Ishelina Rosaira, 2018, "Influential Factors of Evidence-Based Energy Policy-making: Government Regulation on Targeting Renewable Energy in Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The paper is based on research identifying lessons and approaches in making energy policy and scrutinizes whether empirical evidence–based energy policy exists in Indonesia. Empirical evidence–based energy policy has the potential to reduce poverty as well as have a greater impac...
Mar 12, 2018
Putera, Prakoso Bhairawa; Akil, Husein Avicenna; Aminullah, Erman; Triyono, Budi; Hidayat , Dudi, 2018, "Struktur Baru Organisasi Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemerintah di Indonesia: Sebuah Konsep dan Respon atas Kebijakan Penataan dan Penguatan Organisasi dalam Reformasi Birokrasi",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Saat ini lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan (litbang) di Indonesia masih dianggap belum mampu memberikan kontribusi nyata dan signifikan bagi perekonomian bangsa. Kondisi ini menuntut perlunya dilakukan pembenahan terhadap kelembagaan litbang itu sendiri. Hal itu sejalan Kebijak...
Mar 12, 2018
Hanyu, Takeshi; Gill, James; Tatsumi, Yoshiyuki; Kimura, Jun-Ichi; Sato, Keiko; Chang, Qing; Senda, Ryoko; Miyazaki, Takashi; Hirahara, Yuka; Takahashi, Toshiro; Zulkarnain, Iskandar, 2018, "Across- and along-arc geochemical variations of lava chemistry in the Sangihe arc: Various fluid and melt slab fluxes in response to slab temperature",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The Sangihe arc, northern Indonesia, is an oceanic arc that is the western half of the only active arc–arc collision on Earth. To elucidate magma genesis and slab thermal structure in such a setting, we have obtained new geochemical data for lavas from the entire Sangihe arc. In...
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