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441 to 450 of 11,821 Results
PNG Image - 37.6 KB - MD5: 9411973c3236a54ae6156f943a61cca8
Penilaian fungsi pohon sebagai pereduksi polusi udara pada Tol Jagorawi
PNG Image - 28.8 KB - MD5: 64cca0150840ee5cfed304ea3afd2cab
Penilaian fungsi pohon sebagai peredam kebisingan pada Tol Jagorawi
PNG Image - 34.1 KB - MD5: 7eef992984db39619e7ecd6293ec3ec3
Penilaian aspek fungsi pohon sebagai pembatas pada Tol Jagorawi
PNG Image - 41.5 KB - MD5: 77fab4f5f83b8a3b678f2d6732a67993
Penilaian aspek estetika pohon pada jalan Tol Jagorawi
Nov 18, 2018
Hidayat, Imawan Wahyu, 2018, "Landscape Ecological Pattern of Tropical Agro-Forestry Efforts at Educational Forest Landscape of Mount Walat, Sukabumi",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The process of urbanization has changed the face of the landscape, not only in urban environments, but it also has expanded the areas around it. The changes in land use are increasing not only occurs in areas formerly categorized a semi-intensive, such as agricultural lands, but...
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The location of Mount Walat, Sukabumi, West Java.
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The vegetations structures and configurations of Mount Walat landscape.
PNG Image - 611.8 KB - MD5: 8e0aa214407943240aff203846995f38
Some types of agro-forestry activities in Mount Walat.
Nov 18, 2018
Mudjiono, 2018, "Telaah Komunitas Moluska Di Rataan Terumbu (Reef Flat) Perairan Kepulauan Natuna Besar, Kabupaten Natuna",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Penelitian komunitas moluska di rataan terumbu (reef flat) Kepulauan Natuna Besar, Kabupaten Natuna dilakukan selama 10 hari, yaitu 26 Juli–4 Agustus 2001. Pengamatan dipusatkan di Pulau Bunguran yang meliputi 4 lokasi menurut arah mata angin, yaitu Pulau Bunguran Utara (Teluk Bu...
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