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481 to 490 of 11,821 Results
JPEG Image - 29.1 KB - MD5: 306096ac739428e3495e88606e22dec9
Tabel 1. Perbandingan sifat mekanik tulang dengan bahan implan logam
JPEG Image - 19.5 KB - MD5: 6492beefd14aed2ab26dc95db4b4329b
Tabel 2. Komposisi sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
JPEG Image - 27.3 KB - MD5: 8c0b92784b2de4fde85c8fefd8f9af73
Tabel 3. parameter elektrokimia paduan Mg-Zn-Ca dalam larutan Hank's dari pengujian polarisasi
Nov 14, 2018
Qurrachman, Taufiq; Arisesa, Hana; Hernida, I Dewa Putu; Permana, Deni, 2018, "Design and Implementation of Coupled-Line Wilkinson Power Dividers Using Alumina Substrate",, RIN Dataverse, V2
This paper presents design and implementation of coupled-line Wilkinson power dividers at frequency 2.4GHz using alumina substrate. This design using Wilkinson power dividers method where consist of two /4 impedance in the form of coupled lines on microstrip and one resistor is...
PNG Image - 33.1 KB - MD5: 915f21929c9b7882028ebbc8d45eeb40
Fig 1. The proposed design of coupled lines layout.
PNG Image - 141.4 KB - MD5: de793f6c855b4bacc610d3e39ca3f41c
Fig 2. Schematic diagram of the proposed design
PNG Image - 97.3 KB - MD5: e7aa8b1861738e6babbb125856526ac2
Fig 3. Physical dimension of the proposed design
PNG Image - 159.7 KB - MD5: 4dc85c26c98d2631f2000b770d983d73
Fig 5. Fabricated of the proposed design
PNG Image - 136.0 KB - MD5: 53e2f99df16cb38f0bab9a6f2fd9f714
Fig 6. Measurement result of VSWR (a). S11 (b). S22 (c). S33
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