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471 to 480 of 11,821 Results
JPEG Image - 82.3 KB - MD5: 05cefc31c37b4b7e138a226c45f945b6
Figure 4. Impact fractured surface of the 13Cr-1Mo martensitic stainless steel after tempering at (a) 400 oC (b) 500 oC (c) 600 oC (d) 700oC
JPEG Image - 23.0 KB - MD5: a6919a5298c373f43cbb4ef68e5adc24
Table I. Chemical composition (wt. %) of the 410-1Mo martensitic stainless steels prepared in this work
Nov 15, 2018
Prifiharni, Siska; Perdana, Hadi; Romijarso, Toni B; Adjiantoro, Bintang; Juniarsih, Andinie; Mabruri, Efendi, 2018, "The Hardness and Microstructure of The Modified 13Cr Steam Turbine Blade Steel in Tempered Conditions",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Martensitic stainless steels were usually used for turbine blade. Their properties can be improved in various ways, such as by heat treatment. This paper reports the influences of tempering temperature on hardness and microstructure of the modified 13Cr martensitic stainless stee...
JPEG Image - 91.5 KB - MD5: 9b691c3e0a98dc95fcd2b97955c2230d
Fig. 2 SEM micrograph of specimens tempered at (a) as-quenched, (b) 400C, (c) 500C, and (d) 650C.
JPEG Image - 23.6 KB - MD5: bf95f2b84dfc62d7a8f7bc95da268edf
TABLE I. Chemical composition in %wt of the modified 13Cr martensitic stainless steel in this study
JPEG Image - 24.6 KB - MD5: 9627b841cbe4e8644d695f885fc41edf
TABLE II. Chemical compositions of carbide in the modified 13Cr martensitic stainless steel at various tempering temperature
Nov 15, 2018
Annur, Dhyah; L., Franciska P.; Erryani, Aprilia; Amal, M. Ikhlasul; Sitorus, Lyandra S.; Kartika, Ika, 2018, "Struktur Mikro, Sifat Mekanik Dan Ketahanan Korosi Paduan Mg-Zn-Ca Yg Dihasilkan Melalui Proses Metalurgi Serbuk (Tw 4)",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Magnesium (Mg), dengan kemampuan mampu luruh dan biokompatibilitas, merupakan salah satu logam yang kini dikembangkan sebagai material implan mampu luruh. Namun, penggunaan Mg dalam aplikasi biomedis masih terkendala kekuatan dan ketahanan korosi yang rendah. Pada penelitian kali...
JPEG Image - 66.0 KB - MD5: 5c1190e8e23a1bc2fce9b92f8c542c80
gambar 1. Foto SEM untuk paduan (a) Mg-3Zn-1Ca, (b) Mg-29Zn-1Ca, dan (c) Mg-53Zn-4Ca dengan waktu tahan 5 jam dan paduan (d) Mg-32Zn-1Ca, (e) Mg-29Zn-1Ca, dan (f) Mg-53Zn-4Ca dengan waktu tahan 10 jam
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