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361 to 370 of 2,078 Results
Sep 26, 2018
Kumayanjati, Bayu, 2018, "Kima Biota Eksotik Perairan Indo-Pasifik",, RIN Dataverse, V2
“Giant Clam”, the Exotic Animal of the Indo-Pasific Waters. The giant clams are a type of large-size clams of the family Cardiidae and subfamily Tridacninae. This group is divided into two genera (Hippopus and Tridacna) containing ten species, i.e. two species of Hippopus (H. hip...
Sep 26, 2018
Isnaini, Yupi, 2018, "Peran Pelukaan Alami dalam Pembentukan Gubal Gaharu: Studi Kasus pada Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. Koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor",, RIN Dataverse, V1
A plant collection of Aquilaria malaccensis cultivated in the Bogor Botanic Garden was disrupted by a whirlwind blow on June 2, 2006, causing a broken branch. The existed natural wound had been predicted to induced agar poduction. Therefore, common symptoms of agar formation, i.e...
Sep 25, 2018
Malmstrøm, Martin; Britz, Ralf; Matschiner, Michael; Tørresen, Ole K; Hadiaty, Renny Kurnia; Yaakob, Norsham; Tan, Heok Hui; Jakobsen, Kjetill Sigurd; Salzburger, Walter; Ruber, Lukas, 2018, "The Most Developmentally Truncated Fishes Show Extensive Hox Gene Loss and Miniaturized Genomes",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The world’s smallest fishes belong to the genus Paedocypris. These miniature fishes are endemic to an extreme habitat: the peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia, characterized by highly acidic blackwater. This threatened habitat is home to a large array of fishes,including a numbe...
Sep 25, 2018
Handayani, Tri; Martanti, Diyah; Suryasari, Yuyu; Witjaksono, 2018, "Deteksi Awal Ketahanan Beberapa Aksesi Pisang Lokal dan Hasil Persilangan terhadap Penyakit Layu Fusarium (Foc VCG 01213/16 TR4)",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:am2TO9VCg/+HTHCnYAOgow== [fileUNF]
Early detection for Fusarium wilt resistant of banana plants can be done at seedling phase under greenhouse condition. The purpose of early detection was to screen and evaluate some number of local and hybrid accession of banana plants for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp....
Sep 25, 2018
Rugebregt, Marsya J., 2018, "Lamun dan Kondisi Ekosistemnya di kawasan Pesisir Kecamatan Kei Kecil Barat, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Ekosistem lamun merupakan salah satu ekosistem penting di wilayah pesisir sebagai pendukung kehidupan biota di laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tutupan lamun dan kondisi ekosistemnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2013 di kawasan pesisir Kecamatan Kei B...
Sep 25, 2018
Rugebregt, Marsya J., 2018, "Kualitas Perairan Kei Besar Selatan, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas perairan Kei Besar Selatan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk pengembangan usaha perikanan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2013 dengan lima stasiun penelitian yang dianggap representatif untuk tiap lokasi...
Sep 25, 2018
Agung, Paskah Partogi; Putra, Widya Pintaka Bayu; Anwar, Saiful; Wulandari, Ari Sulistyo; Zein, Moch. Syamsul Arifin; Syahruddin, 2018, "Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Sumba Ongole (Bos indicus) Growth Hormone Gene",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The Sumba Ongole cattle (Bos indicus) is one of the local Indonesian cattle breeds and has excellent potential to gain higher carcass yield compared to other local cattle breeds in Indonesia. The Growth Hormone (GH) gene was a potential target for molecular study due to its impor...
Sep 25, 2018
Phadmacanty, Ni Luh Putu Rischa; Mumpuni, 2018, "Pengamatan Inkubasi Telur Elseya Rhodini Dengan Penyorotan Lampu (Candling)",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The information of embryo development is important to predict the incubation periods, age of embryoand time of hatchling. However, those information is difficult to obtain without invasive methods bydissecting the eggs. Another method to observe the embryo is by candling. Candlin...
Sep 25, 2018
Sulistyaningsih, Lulut Dwi; Abinawanto; Ardiyani, Marlina; Salamah, Andi, 2018, "Short Communication: Phylogenetic analysis and molecular identification of Canar (Smilax spp.) in Java, Indonesia Based on DNA Barcoding Analysis",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:91bnslVDIXigO1v0UM4tDw== [fileUNF]
Smilax spp. (Smilacaceae) has long been used as medicinal herbs especially in East Asia and North America as they were known to be rich in steroidal saponin. Pharmacological study has been carried out in Indonesia. This genus is widespread in Indonesia and fairly abundant in Java...
Sep 25, 2018
Hambali, G.G; Sunarti, Siti; Low, Y.W, 2018, "Syzygium Jiewhoei (Myrtaceae), A New Endemic Tree From Western New Guinea, Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Syzygium jiewhoei Hambali, Sunarti & Y.W.Low, a new species from WesternNew Guinea, Indonesia, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to Syzygium recurvovenosum (Lauterb.) Diels but differs in a range of vegetative and reproductive morphological characteristics. Gard...
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