2,051 to 2,060 of 2,078 Results
Feb 19, 2018
Munawaroh, Esti; Astuti, Inggit Puji; Sumanto, 2018, "Studi Keanekaragaman dan Potensi Suku Piperaceae di Sumatera Barat", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/JXJRMT, RIN Dataverse, V1
The results of research on diversity usages, and potentials of Piperaceae in Maninjau Nature Reserve "Nort-South ", Agam regency and Batang Pangean 11 Natural Reserve, Sijunjung district, • West Sumatra Province showed that 25 species of Piperaceae was existing in the regions tho... |
Feb 19, 2018
Lestari, Reni; Ebert, Georg; Huyskens-Keil, Susanne, 2018, "The Effect of Light and Water Supply on Growth, Net CO2 Assimilation Rate and Mineral Content of Salak (Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss) Seedlings", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/MZVZUV, RIN Dataverse, V1
The study was carried out in a greenhouse of at the Institute for Horticultural Sciences of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Seven-months-old seedlings of salak cultivars “pondoh” from Indonesia were used for the study. At this age, plants are usually transferred from the nurs... |
Feb 19, 2018
Irawati, 2018, "Micropropagation of Amorphophllus Titanum Becc.(Araceae)", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/BN4JOC, RIN Dataverse, V1
Amorphophallus titanium Becc. atau bunga bangkai memperbanyak diri secara alami melalui bijinya, tetapi karena pemasakan bunga betina dan jantan tidak bersamaan waktunya, maka jarang dijumpai buah bijinya. Perbanyakan secara vegetatif diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mempertah... |
Feb 19, 2018
Poulsen, Axel Dalberg; Ardiyani, Marlina; Kusuma, Yayan Wahyu C., 2018, "Etlingera Loerzingii (Zingiberaceae) A Gorgeous Torch Ginger from Sumatra Grown in Botanic Gardens", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/2R4JQ5, RIN Dataverse, V1
Tiga belas jenis Etlingera telah dideskripsi berdasarkan material yang diperoleh dari Sumatera, selanjutnya lima jenis lainnya telah didokumentasi sebagai catatan baru (new records). Salah satu jenis Etlingera dari Sumatera yang cukup spektakuler adalah Etlingera loerzingii. desk... |
Feb 19, 2018
Purwantoro, R. Subekti; Siregar, Hartutiningsih-M.; Sudarmono; Praptiwi, 2018, "Uji Antibakteri Lasianthus (Rubiaceae) Sebagai Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat dan Upaya Perbanyakannya", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/XB1YFJ, RIN Dataverse, V1
Lasianthus, a member of the family Rubiaceae has potential for medicinal plants. The aims of the research were to find out the potential antibacterial activity of Lasianthus leaf extract and to investigate the effectiveness of plant propagation by stems cutting. The species teste... |
Feb 19, 2018
Puspitaningtyas, Dwi Murti; Wawangningrum, Hary, 2018, "Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Dikawasan Solok Sumatera Barat", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/FVQPL1, RIN Dataverse, V1
Solok is a regency, part of West Sumatra. Exploration and inventory has been done in Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve. Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve covers of 6.150 hectare area. Exploration was done in altitude range between 700 -1.500 m dpl. The aim of this survey is to inventory... |
Feb 19, 2018
Purnomo, Danang Wahyu, 2018, "A Habitat Selection Model for Javan Deer (Rusa timorensis) in Wanagama I Forest, Yogyakarta", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/HTMOMC, RIN Dataverse, V1
Wanagama I Forest is the natural breeding habitat of Javan deer (Rusa timorensis de Blainville, 1822). Habitat changes had affected Timor's resource selection and caused the deer to move from undisturbed areas to developed areas with agriculture and human settlements. We suspecte... |
Feb 19, 2018
Hidayat, Syamsul, 2018, "Preliminary Research: Potency of Mikania Cordata (Burm. f.) B.L. Robinson (Compositae) as Hyperaccumulator Plant", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/RQQWBI, RIN Dataverse, V1
Many plants have a good adaptation for growing in a site burdened with heavy metal pollutants. The plant which accumulates heavy metal is termed hyperaccumulator. Nowadays, hyperaccumulator plants have an important role in phytoremediation efforts for they can accelerate degradat... |
Feb 19, 2018
Kusuma, Yayan Wahyu C.; Dodo; Hendrian, R., 2018, "Propagation and Transplanting of Manau Rattan Calamus Manan in Bukit Duabelas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/VLT1QS, RIN Dataverse, V1
As one of the most commercially valuable and commonly used rattan palms in the furniture-making industry, populations of manau rattan Calamus manan have severely declined throughout their Southeast Asian range due to unsustainable harvest of wild plants, exacerbated by habitat lo... |
Feb 19, 2018
Kusuma, Yayan Wahyu C.; Astuti, Inggit P., 2018, "Population and Microhabitat Characteristic of Homalomena Bellula Schott in Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/QLZVLK, RIN Dataverse, V1
The population and habitat characteristics of Homalomena bellula Schott in Java have received little attention. In this present study, the authors estimated the population density and habitat characteristic of H. bellula in Mount Slamet, Central Java, by means of random samplings... |