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491 to 500 of 11,821 Results
PNG Image - 75.0 KB - MD5: 7b5aaf4c9f0fed226e8cea8ff6078cd2
Fig 7. Measurement result of insertion loss (S12)
PNG Image - 143.2 KB - MD5: 08f8227055bb601d47ab36ea629771d0
Fig 8. Measurement result of isolation (S32)
Nov 14, 2018
Subagja, Rudi; Royani, Ahmad; Suharyanto, Ariyo; Andriah, Lia; Natasha, Nadia Chrisayu, 2018, "Pengaruh Temperatur Dan Waktu Kalsinasi Terhadap Perubahan Fasa Tio2",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:5N9jtZSEvGrui4Qb/8raiQ== [fileUNF]
Dalam makalah ini disampaikan hasil kegiatan penelitian kalsinasi TiO2 untuk membuat bahan fotokatalis TiO2, dimana bahan TiO2 yang digunakan merupakan hasil dari proses pengolahan ilmenit melalui jalur proses dekomposisi dengan NaOH, pelarutan titan dari kalsin hasil proses deko...
PNG Image - 170.7 KB - MD5: 609309e228ecb661a4e4a2e8f9acc000
Gambar 4. Perubahan zat warna tekstil setelah ditambahkan 0,1 gram TiO2 dan disinari sinar ultra violet selama 0,5 jam sampai 3 jam
Tabular Data - 71 B - 2 Variables, 4 Observations - UNF:6:5N9jtZSEvGrui4Qb/8raiQ==
Tabel 1. Komposisi kimia TiO2
Nov 14, 2018
Surya, Muhammad Imam; Rahman, Wiguna, 2018, "The Effect of Planting Media and Compound Fertilizers on The Growth of Rubus Pyrifolius J. E. Smith Seedling",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The experiment was conducted from June to October 2009, at Cibodas Botanical Garden. The design used in the experiment was completely randomized block with two treatments and three replicates. The first factor was four kinds of planting media (sand + husk (2:1), sand + compost (1...
PNG Image - 1.2 MB - MD5: 6f88128598a9f5320475fca785c8591a
Rubus pyrifolius (A). flowers, (B). fruits
PNG Image - 1.2 MB - MD5: ae0566bb8dec59a582b59221b9b3ddbf
Effect of planting media on the growth of Rubus pyrifolius seedlings on 15 wap, A. sand + husk (2:1), B. sand + compost (1:1), C. compost + husk (1:1), D. compost
PNG Image - 54.3 KB - MD5: 19967135589e6441d9b87d2093f238bd
Significancy of planting media, compound fertilizer and interaction on the growth of Rubus pyrifolius seedling
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