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681 to 690 of 2,078 Results
Aug 20, 2018
Lalasari, Latifa Hanum; Yuwono, Akhmad Herman; Firdiyono; Andriyah, Lia; N, Elfi; Harjanto, Sri; Suharno, Bambang, 2018, "Studi Perbandingan Efek Fotokatalisis Fe2O3-TiO2 Hasil Ekstraksi Ilmenit Bangka dan P-25 Degussa untuk Aplikasi Pengolahan Limbah Cair TPA Cilowong",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:Bug1KDsgLYN7vR4bn8L8dg== [fileUNF]
Telah dilakukan penelitian penurunan kadar BOD5, COD, dan TDS dari lindi sampah tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) Cilowong dengan menggunakan katalis Fe2O3-TiO2 dari hasil proses ekstraksi ilmenit Bangka Indonesia dan TiO2 P-25 Degussa (komersial). Proses dilakukan dalam reaktor foto...
Aug 20, 2018
Sumardi, Slamet; Mubarok, Mohammad Zaki; Saleh, Nuryadi; Firdiyono, F., 2018, "Pelindian Reduktif Bijih Mangan Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan Menggunakan Molases dalam Suasana Asam",, RIN Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:92B70UgIravKnepNbKG4sA== [fileUNF]
Mangan merupakan logam keempat yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari selain besi,aluminium dan tembaga. Penggunaan lain dari mangan adalah sebagai bahan kimia, desinfektan dan oksidator. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengambilan logam mangan dari bijih mangan d...
Aug 20, 2018
Sulistiyono, Eko; Manaf, Azwar; Firdiyono, F., 2018, "Pengaruh Media Suspensi terhadap Proses Ultrasonic Milling pada Partikel Hydromagnesite",, RIN Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:WBfjQi4UwgkGAPvJA2DftA== [fileUNF]
Telah dilakukan kegiatan penelitian pembuatan hydromagnesite dengan ukuran butiran nanometer dari mineral dolomit, dengan menggunakan media aquabidest, ethanol absolute dan ethylene glycol. Pada penelitian ini bahan baku hydromagnesite diperoleh dari proses ekstraksi dari mineral...
Aug 20, 2018
Sadili, Asep; Sundari, Siti, 2018, "Keanekaragaman, Sebaran, dan Pemanfaatan Jenis-Jenis Anggrek (Orchidaceae), di Hutan Bodogol, Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango, Jawa Barat",, RIN Dataverse, V2
To investigate the diversity, distribution, and utilization of orchid, a studywas conducted in Bodogol forest of Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGP).Around 82 species of 41 genera of orchids were identified in this area whichconsisted of 58 species of epiphytes orchids and 24 spe...
Aug 20, 2018
Kurniati, Hellen; Hamidy, Amir, 2018, "Karakteristik Suara Kelompok Kodok Microhylidae Bertubuh Kecil Asal Bali (Anura: Microhylidae)",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Advertisement calls of Microhyla palmipes and Oreophryne monticola have never been described before; however characteristics of M. orientalis’s calls has been described just to support new species publication. The advertisement calls of two individual males of M. orientalis and M...
Aug 20, 2018
Haryono; Rahardjo, M.F.; Affandi, Ridwan; Mulyadi, 2018, "Karakteristik morfologi dan habitat ikan brek (Barbonymus balleroides Val. 1842) di Sungai Serayu Jawa Tengah",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Brek is consumption fish included to barbs group that widely distributed, one of them is in Serayu river. The aims of this study reveal the characteristics of meristic, morphometric, and habitat its species. The study was conducted on the Serayu river especially in Banjarnegara,...
Aug 20, 2018
Suhardjono, 2018, "Revision Of The Cricket Genus Cardiodactylus (Orthoptera, Eneopterinae, Lebinthini): The Species From Both Sides Of The Wallace Line, With Description Of 25 New Species",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:+XfnzUsYV+w6Vk/0qSZ69Q== [fileUNF]
The genus Cardiodactylus is the most speciose and widely distributed genus of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae and of the Lebinthini tribe. Along with diverse acoustic features, this genus is also characterized by a wide distribution area running from Japan to Southeast Asia, N...
Aug 20, 2018
Romijarso, Toni Bambang; Adjiantoro, Bintang, 2018, "Analisa Kerusakan Velg Roda Mobil dari Bahan Paduan Alumunium",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Pada velg roda mobil yang terbuat dari coran paduan alumunium, terjadi kerusakan berupa patah. Umuk mengetahui penyebab kerusakan tersebut, maka dilakukan beberapa pengujian yang meliputi, analisa komposisi kimia, pengujian metalografi dan pengujian mekanik (uji keras dan kuat im...
Aug 20, 2018
Setiarto, Raden Haryo Bimo; Widhyastuti, Nunuk; Fairuz, Iffat, 2018, "Pengaruh Starter Bakteri Asam Laktat Dan Penambahan Tepung Talas Termodifikasi Terhadap Kualitas Yogurt Sinbiotik",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Yogurt was the one of functional food product which contains probiotic bacteria to improve the balance of intestinal microflora. The functional value of yogurt can be increased by the addition of modified taro flour to stimulate the growth of probiotic bacteria in the digestive t...
Aug 20, 2018
Setiarto, Raden Haryo Bimo; Widhyastuti, Nunuk; Saskiawan, Iwan, 2018, "Karakteristik Amilografi Tepung Sorgum Fermentasi Dan Aplikasinya Pada Produk Cake Dan Cookies Sorgum",, RIN Dataverse, V2
AbstractThis study aims to investigate the characteristics of fermented sorghum flour amylograph and organoleptic test of the product cake and cookies from fermented sorghum flour. Production of sorghum flour was made with four variations of treatments, ie: control (without ferme...
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