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81 to 90 of 11,821 Results
PNG Image - 448.1 KB - MD5: 84b0b5a721830d70a77f062e8004c588
a. Deskripsi data: Hubungan morfometrik antardimensi cangkang b. Format data: .png
PNG Image - 408.1 KB - MD5: 30976a2735f392640e4f2b2f4efaebbf
a. Deskripsi data: Persentase ukuran butiran substrat pada 9 stasiun di Teluk Ambon b. Format data: .png
PNG Image - 291.7 KB - MD5: cd9e144f5ad71b07ae6ce6f09ba383a4
a. Deskripsi data: Parameter kualitas perairan pada 9 stasiun di Teluk Ambon b. Format data: .png
Sep 20, 2019
Utami, Nanda; Sari, Rismita, 2018, "Mundu : Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.F atau G. dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz?",, RIN Dataverse, V3
"Mundu" is common name for one of the member of Clusiaceae family (manggis-manggisan). In scientific writing it is sometimes called Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.f. or G dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz. To determine the correct name for these two kinds of plant a study was conducted to review i...
MS Word - 166.2 KB - MD5: 55f0d36a2255b5a5b6fdecef9dac45c6
daftar pustaka
Sep 20, 2019
Rochadi; Rahayu, Sri; Jusuf, Muhammad; Suharsono; Kusmana, Cecep, 2018, "Morphological Variation Of Hoya Multiflora Blume At Different Habitat Type Of Bodogol Research Station, Gunung Gede National Park, Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:asNuET794SwDdjMxtWA6ow== [fileUNF]
Hoya multifloraBlume (Asclepiadaceae) is an Asiatic tropical epiphytiy shrub which has been utilized as ornamental plant and reported to possess medicinal properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological variation of Hoya multiflora populations at the different...
JPEG Image - 45.2 KB - MD5: 81fe9944cc6c898c937aa7f935303df7
a. Deskripsi data: Diversity in infloscence of Hoya multiflora-upright plant (scale = 5 cm) b. Format data: .png
JPEG Image - 55.2 KB - MD5: 7e64ef87b10b4abef856806b8c550616
a. Deskripsi data: Diversity in infloscence of Hoya multiflora-horizontal plant habit (scale = 5 cm) b. Format data: .png
JPEG Image - 27.8 KB - MD5: 2358928604373ddd5c556c2a14b89cba
a. Deskripsi data: Diversity in infloscence of Hoya multiflora-absent or very weak in anthocyanin coloration in flower bud (scale = 1 cm) b. Format data: .png
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