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281 to 290 of 469 Results
Tabular Data - 294 B - 3 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:9K47dq+jRT9sMDhe8o1gWQ==
Table 16.1 Status of threatened species in Indonesia based on taxon group
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 8.6 KB - MD5: 2891f5a3d02fde9586f038ea51e4ca6f
Table 16.2 Herbarium collections at Herbarium Bogoriense, (LIPI)
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.0 KB - MD5: 643c4b2751c5b6410280084e6e2c3dad
Table 16.3 Fauna collections at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, (LIPI)
PNG Image - 172.3 KB - MD5: eb3bfd1edaafeb6b5c33d3b5e5d3ae33
Coneuplecta bandongensis
PNG Image - 224.6 KB - MD5: 18f9bfba6f16adb1e68c9c9ba2d79181
Cyclophorus rafflesi rafflesi
PNG Image - 203.9 KB - MD5: 2f6b876992b11905f586ab1c6370aeb8
Dyakia rumphii
PNG Image - 172.5 KB - MD5: be6dca4094e1e92e4c9080893570fa9a
Pupina junghuhni
Tabular Data - 1.4 KB - 5 Variables, 30 Observations - UNF:6:CdrDqOzu+f7iYde8RaLWDg==
Tabel 1. Daftar keong darat yang ditemukan di G. Slamet
Tabular Data - 2.4 KB - 5 Variables, 45 Observations - UNF:6:WZESIPSXRNgE4K4ajiKKeA==
Tabel 1. Daftar keong darat yang ditemukan di G. Slamet
PNG Image - 87.3 KB - MD5: bea6ddad3eb9b78ab3373ccdbf5bff54
Ostoechillus hasseltii
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