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241 to 250 of 635 Results
PNG Image - 693.2 KB - MD5: c41a3f9ffd7d29e5764717fb419f71f8
Tabel 5. Kandungan Cr di Teluk Ambon, ppm
PNG Image - 220.4 KB - MD5: 4f1d340a40295e00b8fb55ae6f72920b
Tabel 6. Status mutu air laut di Teluk Ambon
PNG Image - 305.8 KB - MD5: 37396fa8a7e7939635fe4e764954f57c
Tabel 7. Hasil penilaian status mutu sedimen di Teluk Ambon
Sep 16, 2018
Sudiana, I Made; Susilowati, Dwi N; Otsuka, Shigeto; Octaviana, Senlie; Rahmansyah, Maman; Sugiharto, Arwan; Kanti, Atit, 2018, "Strategy On Promoting Microbial Growth Of Methanothrophic Bacteria To Enhance Paddy Productivity While Reducing Methane Emission For Climate Adaptation",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Food security of Indonesia is problematic due for four reasons: land shortage, lacking of irrigation infrastructure, climate anomaly, and fertilizer and pesticide availability. Soil microorganism in general could offer an alternative solution for increasing crop productivity as w...
JPEG Image - 65.1 KB - MD5: 09f5f2c43322960b75fee98303f4497e
Figure 1. The phenological characters of paddy IR64. A = flooded rice cultivation system, B = intermittent irrigation system/aerobic cultivation system.
JPEG Image - 88.2 KB - MD5: c651b88c451673f7ac712bff09101d74
Figure 2. Dynamic of macronutrient (phosphorus) and micronutrient as affected by redox potential and pH. A = profile of phosphate species, B and C = profile of manganese and iron (Fe), D = redox potential profile in water column, E = profile of phosphate, nitrogen, sulphate, carb...
JPEG Image - 47.2 KB - MD5: f4b60f2fead658c261ba17210338c576
Figure 3. DGGE profile of 16s rRNA (A) and phylogeny analyses of their relatedness (B). 1 = 0 month after eruption, 1 month after eruption, 2 = 3 moths after eruption, 3 = six months after eruption, 4 = soil sample of rice field in Mount Salak, 5 = soil of rice field in Cibinong,...
JPEG Image - 59.9 KB - MD5: 3b383f850a0f00696b3f0eacf8404ef0
Figure 4. Upland rice in Oemasi, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
JPEG Image - 24.4 KB - MD5: 6bbf6f49dea0b7b9590563acf67c01c6
Figure 5. Detection of pmO, smO, and moxF genes in paddy soils. 1–4 = moxF gene, 5–9 = mmoB gene, 10–12 = pmoA gene.
JPEG Image - 28.4 KB - MD5: 3504a7ce053432dbcc265a7fce34e52f
Figure 6. DGGE profile of pmO gene in soil with methane gas or with NMS medium addition.
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