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Faizhal Dataverse (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
Dataverse ini berisi dataset penelitian Faizhal Arif Santosa.
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11 to 20 of 49 Results
Comma Separated Values - 434 B - MD5: f2ea2729fc4ee95fbc08af6f3c573fc1
JPEG Image - 1.5 MB - MD5: 55055f7d6d870863eeac3ce69dc2e69e
JPEG Image - 5.9 MB - MD5: 8a3ffd54f79d7d0db2cf66d662e94d8c
JPEG Image - 1.6 MB - MD5: 55a23500ceb9475397aeee6b9b04884b
JSON - 31.7 KB - MD5: ae978a5615f3b0efef4c192fb2fd3959
JPEG Image - 9.4 MB - MD5: 81436149de92745cb2769caf5a5a5dac
JPEG Image - 95.9 KB - MD5: 1558458010fc22789880d78f7be9ee6b
Plain Text - 594 B - MD5: 2fc1bc5e9a8ae220a8ec58dcfb393fb4
Jun 11, 2024
Santosa, Faizhal Arif; Arumdini, Savira; Ariani, Ria, 2024, "Topic modeling on articles about female librarians",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The dataset on topic modeling for articles about female librarians consists of a VOSviewer JSON file, Jupyter notebook files, and a search query.
Jupyter Notebook - 142.6 KB - MD5: ebd2da2f8254b7f4f39d9efc06ff1bd7
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