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121 to 130 of 3,481 Results
Nov 15, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Sutowo, Cahya; Rokhmanto, Fendy; Senopati, Galih, 2018, "Proses Perlakuan Termomekanis pada Paduan α/β Ti-6Al- 6Mo sebagai Alternatif Baru untuk Aplikasi Biomedis",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Telah dilakukan proses pengecoran paduan Ti-6Al-6Mo menggunakanarc remelting furnace dan dilanjutkan dengan proses perlakuan termomekanisberupa homogenisasi dan pengerolan panas pada temperatur900, 1.000, dan 1.100 °C. Pelat Ti-6Al-6Mo hasil pengerolan panasdikarakterisasi menggu...
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Andriyah, Lia; Lalasari, Latifa Hanum; Kurniawati, Mitha Fitria, 2018, "Percobaan Pembuatan Sodium Stannat Menggunakan Mineral Kasiterit (p.a) dengan Sodium Karbonat (Na2CO3)",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Telah dilakukan percobaan pembuatan sodium stannat dari mineral kasiterit (SnO2) p.a menggunakansodium karbonat (Na2CO3). Kasiterit (SnO2) merupakan mineral timah (Sn) yang mempunyai banyakmanfaat diantaranya untuk pembuatan katalis (tin chemical) seperti pada pelapis kaca konduk...
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Lalasari, L. H.; Widowati, M. K.; Natasha, N. C.; Sulistiyono, E.; Prasetyo, A. B., 2018, "The Synthesis of Calcium Salt from Brine Water by Partial Evaporation and Chemical Precipitation",, RIN Dataverse, V2
In this study would be investigated the effects of partial evaporation and chemical precipitation in the formation of calcium salt from brine water resources. The chemical reagents used in the study was oxalate acid (C2H2O4), ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3) and ammonium hydroxide (...
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Natasha, N.C.; Firdiyono, F.; Sulistiyono, E., 2018, "Impurities Removal in Seawater to Optimize the Magnesium Extraction",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Magnesium extraction from seawater is promising way because magnesium is the second abundant element in seawater and Indonesia has the second longest coastline in the world. To optimize the magnesium extraction, the impurities in seawater need to be eliminated. Evaporation and di...
Nov 15, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Widiyanto, Tri; Iman Rusmana, 2018, "Seleksi Bacillus Sp. Sebagai Biokontrol Vibrio Harveyi Di Tambak Udang",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:Qe0MpjIwxEOtmyI0wIHl/w== [fileUNF]
Produksi udang di Indonesia mengalami penurunan sejak tahuan 1990. Faktor yang mempengaruhinya adalah penurunan kualitas air dan serangan penyakit. Salah satu alternatif usaha pengendalian untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah melalui melranisme pemanfaatan probiotik diantarany...
Nov 15, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Mabruri, Efendi; Syahlan, Zefri Ahmad; Sahlan; Anwar, Moch. Syaiful; Romijarso, Toni B.; Adjiantoro, Bintang, 2018, "Effect of Tempering Temperature on Hardness and Impact Resistance of the 410-1Mo Martensitic Stainless Steels for Steam Turbine Blades",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Tempering is an important process to produce the martensitic stainless steels having the desired properties. This paper reports the influence of tempering temperature on hardness and impact resistance the modified 410-1Mo steels. The steels samples were prepared by a process sequ...
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Mabruri, Efendi; Syahlan, Zefri Ahmad; Sahlan; Prifiharni, Siska; Anwar, Moch. Syaiful; Chandra, Septian Adi; Romijarso, Toni B.; Adjiantoro, Bintang, 2018, "Influence of Austenitizing Heat Treatment on Properties of the Tempered 410-1Mo Type Stainless Steels",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The modified 410-1Mo stainless steels has been developed with higher tensile strength and elongation compared to the standard 410 stainless steels. This paper reports the influence of austenitising temperature on microstructure, hardness, impact resistance and corrosion resistanc...
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Hendrik; Sebleku, P.; Imaduddin, A.; Pramono, A. W., 2018, "The effect of sintering temperature on the rolled silver-sheathed monofilament Bi,Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting wire",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The manufacture of high critical temperature (Tc) Bi,Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (HTS BPSCCO) superconductor wire fabricated by power-in-tube (PIT) is a multi-step process. The main difficulty is that the value of Tc superconductor wire is determined by various factors different for each step....
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Suryanegara, Lisman; Chalid, Mochamad; Sari, Laili Novita, 2018, "The Crystalllinity Behaviour of Composite Polylactid Acid Based Reinforced by Bamboo Fiber Which is Treated Using Different Chemical Treatment",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Polylactid acid (PLA) is a bio-based palstic that has a great potential to replace petroleum-based plastic due to its high Youngs modulus and tensile strength. However, the drawbacks of PLA are low toughness and slow crystallization speed limited its application. In this study, P...
Nov 15, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Yudanto, Sigit Dwi; Sintia, Mona; Imaduddin, Agung, 2018, "Sintesis Material Superkonduktor MgB2 Melalui Proses Reaksi Padat",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Telah dilakukan percobaan sintesis material superkonduktor MgB2 menggunakan proses reaksi padat. Sintesis menggunakan bahan baku serbuk magnesium (Mg) dan boron (B). Proses sintesis diawali dengan penimbangan bahan baku dengan perbandingan Mg:B = 1:2, dilanjutkan dengan penggerus...
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