141 to 150 of 3,484 Results
Nov 14, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Surya, Muhammad Imam; Rahman, Wiguna, 2018, "The Effect of Planting Media and Compound Fertilizers on The Growth of Rubus Pyrifolius J. E. Smith Seedling", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/MPLNZ3, RIN Dataverse, V1
The experiment was conducted from June to October 2009, at Cibodas Botanical Garden. The design used in the experiment was completely randomized block with two treatments and three replicates. The first factor was four kinds of planting media (sand + husk (2:1), sand + compost (1... |
Nov 14, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Triwulandari, Evi, 2018, "Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Hybrid Coating Products from Polyurethane and/or Polysiloxane Modified Epoxy Based on Acrylic Polyol and Tolonate", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/QYVBZ3, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:sX9OprkbzY2kJyY7h2Bwlg== [fileUNF]
Hybrid coating products were synthesized from polyurethane and/or polysiloxane modified epoxy based on acrylic polyol and tolonate. Hybrid coating which synthesized were epoxy-polyurethane, epoxy-polysiloxane and epoxy-polyurethane-polysiloxane. Hybrid coating from epoxy-polyuret... |
Nov 14, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Ghozali, Muhammad; Haryono, Agus; Saputra, Asep Handaya; Triwulandari, Evi, 2018, "Pengaruh 1,4-Butandiol Sebagai Poliol Pada Modifikasi Epoksi Menggunakan Poliuretan", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/AY0L52, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:NSBKLBF2cpsOT59TUWZWyg== [fileUNF]
Korosi merupakan fenomena alami yang menyebabkan penurunan nilai dan fungsi pada material. Penggunaan cat dan pelapis polimer merupakan metode yang paling umum untuk melindungi material dari korosi. Pelapis polimer yang digunakan merupakan resin organik berbasis epoksi dan poliur... |
Nov 14, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Suharyanto, Ariyo; Sulistiyono, Eko, 2018, "Potensi dan Karakterisasi Bijih Mangan Trenggalek sebagai bahan baku Baterai Lithium", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/4V5B7N, RIN Dataverse, V1
Indonesia memilik potensi sumberdaya mineral mangan dalam jumlah cukup besar namun tersebar di seluruh pelosok Indonesia dalam bentuk cadangan yang kecil dan beragam kualitas. Sehingga bijih mangan di Indonesia tidak ekonomis jika digunakan untuk keperluan industri baja yang meme... |
Nov 14, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Antoro, Iwan Dwi; Henpristian, Yopi; Oediyani, Soesaptri; Adjiantoro, Bintang, 2018, "Pengaruh Pendinginan Media Air dan Udara Terhadap Kuat Tekan Pellet Komposit Dan Spon Hasil Proses Reduksi Langsung dengan Menggunakan Simulator Rotary Kiln", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/ZDG9UT, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:XB9rjCQRImyOzR0UJEC01Q== [fileUNF]
Indonesia memiliki cadangan bijih nikel yang cukup banyak yaitu 15,70% dari cadangan nikel dunia atau sebesar 1576 juta ton, akan tetapi sebagian besar bijih nikel laterit kadar rendah (limonit) belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Bijih nikel limonit dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses p... |
Nov 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Annur, Dhyah; Suhardi, Achmad; Amal, M. Ikhlasul; Anwar, Moch. Syaiful; Kartika, Ika, 2018, "Powder Metallurgy Preparation of Mg-Ca Alloy for Biodegradable Implant Application", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/SZ8IRY, RIN Dataverse, V2
Magnesium and its alloys is a promising candidate for implant application especially due to its biodegradability. In this study, Mg-7Ca alloys (in weight persen) were processed by powder metallurgy from pure magnesium powder and calcium granule. Milling process was done in a shak... |
Nov 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Mutaqien, Zaenal; Zuhri, Musyarofah, 2018, "Establishing a Long-Term Permanent Plot in Remnant Forest of Cibodas Botanic Garden, West Java", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/H6J1MD, RIN Dataverse, V1
Cibodas Botanic Garden (CBG) has unique characters; almost 10% of which is forested area adjacent to the natural forest of Mt. Gede Pangrango National Park. The area is a transition between natural forest and artificial habitat which mostly consists of exotic plant species. The p... |
Nov 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Zuhri, Musyarofah; Mutaqien, Zaenal, 2018, "Perubahan Komposisi Vegetasi dan Struktur Pohon pada Plot Meijer (1959-2009) di Gunung Gede, Jawa Barat", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/MHNL2C, RIN Dataverse, V1
After Meijer had conducted ecological study on Mt. Gede Pangrango in 1959, the subsequent study did not monitor its dynamics. This study aimed to compare current vegetation composition and tree structure with past 50 years data based on Meijer publication. One hectare permannt pl... |
Nov 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Mutaqien, Zaenal; Tresnanovia, Vin-Vin Maria; Zuhri, Musyarofah, 2018, "Penyebaran Tumbuhan Asing di Hutan Wornojiwo Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/R8HOIV, RIN Dataverse, V1
Formely, Cibodas Botanic Garden (CBG) was set apart for plants which are unable to withstand the warmer climate of Buitenzorg; more especially for those which are collected in the higher regions of Dutch’s colony. It was also used for those imported from subtropical regions for e... |
Nov 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Herbirowo, Satrio; Adjiantoro, Bintang, 2018, "The Influence Of Heat Treatment On Microstructure And Mechanical Strength Of Laterite Nickel Steel", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/2TXLLW, RIN Dataverse, V2
Indonesia memiliki sumber bijih nikel laterit dan batubara yang melimpah. Walaupun begitu, sumber daya ini belum dipertimbangkan sebagai bahan baku utama dalam industri baja Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui beberapa aspek yang dimiliki oleh... |